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Bismuth sodium titanate (BNT) discovered by Smolensky et al. in1960 [11] is one of several attractive lead-free perovskite structurematerials with high mechanical bending strength [11]. BNT also hasinteresting electrical properties such as good dielectric constant(3r w 406) and acceptable piezoelectric coefficient (d33 w 94 pC/N)[9]. BNT possesses strong ferroelectric properties at a relativelyhigh Curie temperature (Tc ¼ 320 C) with large remanent polarization(Pr ¼ 38 mC/cm2) and coercive field (Ec ¼ 73 kV/cm) at roomtemperature [9,12e14]. Furthermore, it also allows free control ofsintering atmosphere and no lead pollution during fabricationprocess [15].With their complementary features, the solid solutions betweenPZT and BNT (PZT/BNT system) are expected to exhibit betterproperties than those of single phase PZT and BNT. Furthermore,the properties can also be tailored over a wide range by changingthe compositions to meet the strict requirements for specificapplications. The study of PZT-based solid solutions with BNT wasfirstly reported by Kitagawa et al. [16], whose results showed thatmechanical strength and piezoelectric properties of BNT-added PZTceramics were improved over those of pure PZT. Since dielectricand ferroelectric properties of PZT/BNT ceramics have not beenstudied, the effects of BNT compound on structure and electricalproperties such as dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric of PZTceramic were therefore investigated in this work.
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