Article 12.4: Grant of Temporary Entry
1. Each Party shall set out in Annex 12-A the commitments it makes with regard to temporary entry of business persons, which shall specify the conditions and limitations for entry and temporary stay, including length of stay, for each category of business persons specified by that Party.
2. A Party shall grant temporary entry or extension of temporary stay to business persons of another Party to the extent provided for in those commitments made pursuant to paragraph 1, provided that those business persons:
(a) follow the granting Party’s prescribed application procedures for the relevant immigration formality; and
(b) meet all relevant eligibility requirements for temporary entry or extension of temporary stay.
3. The sole fact that a Party grants temporary entry to a business person of another Party pursuant to this Chapter shall not be construed to exempt that business person from meeting any applicable licensing or other requirements, including any mandatory codes of conduct, to practise a profession or otherwise engage in business activities.
4. A Party may refuse to issue an immigration formality to a business person of another Party if the temporary entry of that person might affect adversely:
(a) the settlement of any labour dispute that is in progress at the place or intended place of employment; or
(b) the employment of any natural person who is involved in such dispute.
5. When a Party refuses pursuant to paragraph 4 to issue an immigration formality, it shall inform the applicant accordingly.