Regarding to order and delivery control which I think that these are concerning with PUR Dept. so I have to revised and added some comment as detail in the attached (pink marked).
I would be better if we will have meeting between AMEC and MELINA for clearing each the function category then we can see the P.I.C for reviewing system of each section/department.
Anyhow, I would like to updated you for the latest confirmation of Sumitronics (STXT) regarding on the EMS business between STXT and AMEC as the following:
1. STXT have refused to start the business with AMEC as a subcontractor (just assembly PCB with the free of charges part from the customer) or services as a middle man by sent the official to AMEC on April 30th, 2015 because they have received the BOI and IPO license for exporting products duty-free importation of materials.
2. STXT can only purchase materials and requested EMS/Sub-contractor (AOTH) to assembly for themselves and the STXT + Subcontractor(AOTH) can sell the PCB to AMEC.
3. STXT suggested to purchase component parts by themselves and then they will supply as free of charges to their EMS/Sub-contractor (AOTH) for producing and then sell the PCB completed set to AMEC.
4. Finally, STXT would like to purchase customization parts by themselves also, which they hope AMEC will able to support them on this.
As above confirmation and requirement from STXT, thus I have set up the meeting within AMEC (QE, QIC, R&D and DED) on this Thursday 7th of May, 2015 whether AMEC will able to accept STXT purchase component parts by themselves.
Then we will update you for the EMS business status later.