The Risks to Accounting Information System Based on B/S Network
Although accounting information system has a lot of advantages based on networking
environment, these advantages shall be ensured on the basis of security of accounting
information. The risks of accounting electronic data under networking environment
mainly from the following three aspects:
Physical risks. It is the security issues of the physical equipment and the
environment in the phases of accounting electronic data generation, storage,
processing, transmission and usage. The environmental factors, such as temperature,
humidity, electromagnetism etc., the nature factors, such as flood, fire, earthquakes
etc. and the personal behaviors, such as steal, destroy etc. lead to risks to physical
Risks to accounting information system. The operation system of the accounting
electronic data storage, processing and transmission equipment have a lot of
vulnerabilities because of the limitation of technology, so it is easily to be attached by
viruses, Trojan virus and Hackers. The viruses endanger greatly to remote network
accounting information transmission because viruses feature the characteristics of
strong concealment, wide diffuse area, huge destructive force.
Risks during application process. In the traditional accounting information system,
facticity, integrity and definition of financial responsibility of accounting information
are ensured by accounting record on paper, signature/stamp on the accounting
records, audit system and internal control system. While under network environment,
modification, illegal interception, acquisition, move, forgery, delete and concealment
can be done without any trace so the risks of accounting information distortion are