The composition Summer Rain similar to many other of Foulcher's other works is a commendably composed poem that reaches underneath the superficiality and embodies subjective meanings and themes. The motifs raised in Summer Rain delve into a number of issues concerning a humanistic fraternity and its influence on its circumfuse. Foulcher employs various language methodologies in Summer Rain to divulge the theme's raised in this poem in a increasingly perceptible and sufficient manner that prompts the audience to be immersed in concentration and consider the ideals behind these themes.
The de-humanizing of modern society is one of the central themes that are conveyed in "Summer Rain . The idea that as modern society advances and becomes more commercialized value of human individuality and emotion is steadily declining. This idea of society distancing itself from emotion is reflected through the persona who speaks very objectively and appears unemotional in his/her description regarding incidents that occur throughout the poem. Foulcher uses objective and unemotional language to describe certain incidents to create the effect in the audience's mind that persona doesn't particular care about any of the events outlaid in the poem including the actual car accident. From the persona's description of the car accident we get the feeling that he is emotionally detached from the accident and instead of worrying about the people involved in the accident the persona shows a greater concern to the time consuming nature of the incident and the fact that it is taking longer for he/she to get home "Somewhere ahead, there's been an accident. One by one, the engines stop the cars slump into dusk. You wench yourself from the road . The use of the word "wrench to describe the persona's movement indicates that not only does he show apathy and dis-concern towards the people that are involved in the accident he is actually annoyed that they are was