[Legendary Gambler] was strong.
With a deep knowledge of all casino games, but it's just an incredible talent to control the game can be called perfect.
In this place, where the simple force does not work, [Great Heroes / Heroes] [Emperors / Kings], as well as tens of thousands of others, the conquerors (and maybe more if you count just to entertain the guests) to get to here, then playfully squander state , on and finished.
But due to the fact that in a previous life, among my colleagues was the one considered a strong player with [Mental Capacity] and [Future Foresight], this time I was able to win.
Frankly, even without [Luck], compared to my colleague, [Legendary Gambler] was weak.
This time the game got troublesome, because the match was delayed, but after my two wins [Legendary Gambler] with a smile on his face, covering the light broke up into particles.
I did not get to eat him I thought with regret. After eating him, I would have gotten even more useful abilities and why he suddenly collapsed.
That is very unfortunate.
But still, I did not think me when neither useful experience from the pile of losses former colleague. In life, the demon did not know what useful, I thought, remembering the battle with the red bear, and how I used [stink] again lamented the fact that I have not got a corpse [Legendary Gambler] I renamed 【Holy Land of Gambling】 in 【Funeral Gambling House】, I took the change in the interior.
Frankly, I would like to take not only the interior, but everything else to change, but the local maze is not so simple.
In order to play with the chance of winning a loss, there was a need to sense and knowledge, because for me the change in the interior, was the limit of changes in 【Funeral Gambling House】.
But still in the store (or rather the place seem more at a pawn shop), I was able to pick up the unsold goods.
And yet, I did not help with the ability to manage change prices (as I do, the spirit will fall away completely), so I just took a huge amount of chips obtained from the victory over the legendary player.
These chips certainly could be exchanged for money, but if you overdo it, there was a high probability demolish economy Demonic Empire, because the exchange of chips for more than a certain amount, there is a lot of complexities.
Because in order to get rid of the accumulated mountains of chips - the most it.
Still, after that I still have enough with them, I entertained here next time.
So this time we made one of our goals, strengthening the Avenger and the company, but I myself gained strength, as well as procured useful for our purpose abilities.
Just completed a bunch of other things. One could of course continue to keep training, but we are waiting for Redhead and company.
Thus, it was decided to return to the Royal Capital Osvel.
In spite of this, we have recovered enjoy shopping until the evening.
The blessing was a mountain of gold.
Doubting about what to buy, as expected, I bought on sale here in a variety of games that we will be able to enjoy and home.
Roulette and slot machines, dice and cards of course, and the rest was bought by me in great numbers.
By setting it all in [Parabellum Hot Springs Village] we will be able to raise even more dependent elves, there is no doubt. And so as to increase the prosperity of the usurers and [Debt Hell].
And indebted elves will be our hands and feet, which will force yourself to work well.
As a result, the elves will become stronger, and bring us a profit. The ability to increase their defenses, and trophies and stories about military exploits decorate their secluded life.
No one will lose.
Gufufufu, yet gambling is better to be the organizer. And for one, it is necessary also in the kingdoms to do it. And to attract not only the nobility, but also the common people.
Seeing through my evil plans Kanami-chan reproached looked at me, "Know the measure" seems in this sense.
"All the early" I thought, and nodded in response.
Although his plans, I did not change, but oh well.
He bought more magical metals and other souvenirs, before we knew it, it was evening, and again we entered the gates of 【Funeral Gambling House】.
Going to the bathroom, near the entrance, making sure that no one, I activated the gate movement.
Move to the control room for the personnel that are in expansion on the 5th floor, we faced located there 【Funeral Gates】.
【Funeral Gates】 to move freely from one captured dungeon to the others, regardless of the distance.
On the right and left flap gate is statues of the [Demon King] and [Emperor Demon], which looked as if about to start moving.
These 【Funeral Gates】 form inside the swirl space through which you can not look ahead, but it is definitely in a different dungeon.
Yes, this even over long distances, can be overcome almost instantaneously.
The existence of these very gates, is one of the reasons why I suddenly decided to conquer other dungeons in different countries.
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