In 2007, a group of friends were enjoying one of their frequent rainforest walks in the mountains surrounding Chiang Mai when they came across a pair of Gibbons locked in a cage near a roadside. They had been abandoned to die a horrible death from starvation and dehydration. Shocked and outraged, the nature lovers immediately rescued this rare, endangered species, slowly nursing the pair back to health while they came up with a plan to create positive ecological change in our world…
Flight of the Gibbon was born and is now the leading global eco-adventure tour operator with their phenomenal rainforest zip-lines that are the longest, highest and fastest in the world. Now the number one tourist attraction in Thailand, Flight of the Gibbon invests 10% of their profits in primate re-habilitation, re-forestation projects and ecological education programs.
And what about the abandoned Gibbons? After their rescue, Tong Lorde (Golden Straw) and Tong Dee (Good Gold) were rehabilitated at a site that resembled their natural habitat. Having spent all of their lives in a cage, they needed to be taught how to look after themselves in the wild. Now they live alongside the zip-lines of Flight of the Gibbon with their baby sons, born free in the wild, where you can hear their calls, experience their natural environment and maybe even catch a glimpse of them swinging through the rainforest, just like you will with Flight of the Gibbon.
As our rescued Gibbon family grows, so too does Flight of the Gibbon.