The graveyard of Demon God in world, has absorbs the strange characteristics of strength of dead within the body vitality fast, originally Sheng Mei thinks that this is also the normal condition, after all the grave of Demon God opens each time, has massive abyss devil enter absorbs the strength of Demon God.
The energy between universes is the conservation, suction the strength of Demon God, naturally must make up the new energy, originally Sheng Mei believes that has not wasted in the abyss devil that the grave of Demon God died actually, their corpses turned into the pure energy to supplement this world actually, when to tens of billions years later, then evolved the strength of Demon God.
But hears the Lin Ming words, in the Sheng Mei mind the miraculous glow dodges, she looked to bronze ancient coffin under cliff, in that ancient coffin was filled with as before has mounted to nearly the blood of freeze thickly, seemed evil incomparable.
These blood even though are but evil, however Sheng Mei is very clear, contained the strength of how terrifying vitality, to Alchemist of certain abyss devils, they can use these blood as the material, builds up purest blood pill, to be of great advantage to their cultivation!
„You were said that the blood in this bronze ancient coffin, from these by the strength of vitality the grave of Demon God suction? The vitality permeating underground, gatherings of these corpses slowly here came!?”
Realized suddenly the idea of Lin Ming, Sheng Mei is surprised.
One lira vertebra, soaks in being filled with ancient coffin of blood of devil, but under this ancient coffin, is the devil relief, numerous and diverse devil chart.
But all these, constructed in the underground deep place of grave of Demon God, these for 100 billion years, the grave of Demon God died does not know that many abyss devils, these abyss devils at least were the Heavenly Elder level cultivation are, moreover was the outstanding people in same age devil, these many supreme talent vitalities by a Array every little bit gathering here, were nourished one lira vertebra
Moreover, who can affirm, under the tomb of Demon God, only then such evil big?
Perhaps, several twenty similar Array, disperse in various places of grave of Demon God, but nourished the skeleton that not necessarily is the spine, perhaps was the skull, pin bone, the arm bone and rib
Thinks of these, Sheng Mei felt behind one braves cold air.
This big, likely is an ancient ceremony, likely is the worst rite
„You should not say that this was some dark abyss antiquity Demon God, was nourishing own skeleton using the grave of Demon God, reactivated oneself?”
Absorption later generation descendants' the strength of vitality, nourishes own skeleton, finally the recast mortal body, was reactivated by oneself, Sheng Mei first thinks is this point!
If real, shock that this guess brings, that was really too big!
Can transfer the rule of grave of entire Demon God, uses for oneself, that this devil, perhaps is inventor Demon God of grave of Demon God!
Demon God created the grave of Demon God in the past, was not only in order to makes the abyss devil pass is disillusioned greatly, for own future reactivating, has laid down actor's opening words?
Sheng Mei felt that was hard to imagine.
Lin Ming said: „Is Demon God I do not know that I only know, under the grave of this Demon God, is similar to this grade of cavern mystical place has schemed inevitably, once its goal achieves, definitely will bring this world fearful accident”
„That this spine”
Sheng Mei facial color cloudy clear uncertain, Lin Ming speculation even though is reasonable, feeling that but the Sheng Mei one type does not suit.