CKD Module 7
The American Nephrology Nurses' Association (ANNA) 16
Goals to Slow Progression
• Protect remaining nephrons
• Prevent irreversible glomerular scarring
Nephrons are the small units in the kidney, made up of small blood vessels
(glomeruli) and tubules, which produce urine. There are a million nephrons in each
kidney. The patient with CKD will begin to loose the function of the nephrons
slowly, unless a traumatic insult such as kidney removal or a severe accident causes
irreversible damage. Nephrons are a remarkable functioning apparatus. Until the
patient looses the function of around 75% of their nephrons, they will have no
symptoms. Yet by this time, they will have a GFR of less than 60 mg/dl. It is
extremely important to know the factors that put the patient at high risk (such as
family history, diabetes, or hypertension) and begin to assess the GFR on patients
known to be at risk (Renal Info, 2006).