This study attempts to examine the relationship between service quality dimensions and the level of student’s satisfaction with the quality of service provided in terms of reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy and responsiveness. In public as well as in private sector the quality of education is an important
factor that is considered for attracting and retaining the students who want to get higher education.
Self-administered questionnaire was used in this study to collect the related data to establish the relationship between service quality and students satisfaction in higher education institutions. The sample consisted of 65 Arts students, 20 Science students and 35 Management students. Among them 62 are male
and 58, female. The results show that students are satisfied with services in terms of their reliability, assurance, tangibility, and empathy but not much satisfied with responsiveness. The study revealed that the
respondents who had studied self supporting course were more satisfied than the respondents who had
studied different courses. In the overall satisfaction, the female respondents were more satisfied with service quality attributes of S.V. University than male respondents. Recommendations are made and guidelines for future research are also provided