2.1 Working methods
The main working method adopted by the Rapporteur's Group with a view to obtaining a large body of contributions and information was a questionnaire covering all the issues to be studied. This choice was consistent with the methodology adopted during the previous study periods.
2.1.1 Survey on tariff policies drawn up by the BDT Regulatory and Market Environment Division (RME)
The Rapporteur's Group decided, when it met in September 2010, to adapt some questions of the Survey drawn up by the BDT Regulatory and Market Environment Division (RME) on Tariff Policies, which is sent each year to National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) of ITU Members States (see Annex 1). The number of replies received to the questionnaire for 2010 to 2012 is indicated below.
Table 1: Number of countries replying to the questionnaire, by region (BDT Classification)
from 2010 to 2013