How to Reduce Puffy Eyesby WikiHowMethod 1: Put potatoes over thepuffiness. Potatoes are said to have naturalastringent properties.. Peel raw potatoes. Cut in half. Place the halvesover your eyes for 10 minutes. The potato willcool your eyes and any swelling will decrease..Try grated potato. Simply grate a fresh potato andapply it to your eyes for 15 minutes, then rinse.Method 2: Get some exercise. This improvescirculation, which will help your body move fluidthrough your body, rather than letting itaccumulate. If you have time, go for a run, dosome yoga, or simply take a brisk walk.Method 3: Drink less alcohol. Alcohol leads tofluid retention in the face, as well as causingdehydration. Limit your alcohol intake to 1 or 2drinks at a time, 1 or 2 times per week. Drinkingmore than this will eventually cause the skinaround your eyes to loosen.Method 4: Reduce stress. High levels ofcortisol. the stress hormone. can lead to a number