Regarding Big Yellow Dog, the source essence and blood of blood and sweat BMW is more important compared with Monster Spirit, but must extract the source essence and blood of blood and sweat BMW, must while the blood and sweat BMW was just killed extract, if were later, the source essence and blood also will vanish along with disappearance of blood and sweat BMW life.
The blood and sweat BMW of extraction unusual animals, is not an easy matter, but regarding Jiang Chen, is actually easy, the method that he is skilled in were too many.
Quick, one group of essence and blood had been extracted by Jiang Chen, but in this essence and blood is bringing some black silk, before obviously is , the violently poisonous thing that the Nine Yang Mysterious Pill embodiment contains, penetrated in the source of blood and sweat BMW violently poisonously, conceivable its terror, naturally, if not plays the key role violently poisonously, Jiang Chen wants to extinguish kills the blood and sweat BMW also absolutely is not a simple matter.
The Jiang Chen big hand wields, Formation dissipates with the wind, the entire mountain valley because of the beforehand fight by looking awful of wreaking havoc, the surrounding mountain peak directly collapsed, braves the black smoke, the blood and sweat BMW broken corpse in not far away, Jiang Chen not to look at one unceasingly.
„Fierce, your boy is really the sinister host, the formidable blood and sweat BMW, like this was given to torment to death by you unexpectedly.”
Monk walked, raises up the thumb to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen buries alive blood and sweat BMW matter, does is really attractive, lets Monk to its admiring simply is full of admiration, admired.
„Xiao Chen , is not only bellipotent, intelligence goes against heaven's will, I discovered that he is a fierce intriguer, if today's matter personally does not experience, will kill me not to believe.”
Tan Lang said with a smile that Jiang Chen buries alive the method of blood and sweat BMW, if were passed on, went down in history sufficiently, a great strength of person, solely is not his method and cultivation is, his intelligence, a true war-god, always not only a boorish fellow.
„The Big Yellow quiet time was too long, must make him regain consciousness.”
Jiang Chen said that thinks Big Yellow Dog is because must rescue itself to make into today this, the discomfort that he could not say, making Big Yellow revive, was an incomparably important matter.
„Xiao Chen, Monster Spirit of that blood and sweat BMW does not have the issue, but that essence and blood had violently poisonously, if takes to Big Yellow directly, must kill him.”
Saying that Monk somewhat worries about, thinks the appearance that the beforehand blood and sweat BMW is poisoned, is afraid simply, this toxicity was too violent, if will contain the violently poisonous essence and blood to take to Big Yellow Dog, that makes Big Yellow die.
„Xiao Chen has certainly the method in violent poisonousness to give dispelling.”
Tan Lang said.
„No, to dispel violently poisonously, the only means quenching with Flame of Thunder, if so, Real Thundering Fire will certainly damage the essence and blood, the effect greatly will sell at a discount, must know that a 9-Tier Beastly King source essence and blood and Monster Spirit, can turn into an incomparable terror the Big Yellow exuviae the condition, therefore, this source essence and blood, I will make Big Yellow take directly.”
Jiang Chen said.
Monk and Tan Lang simultaneously call out in alarm one, perhaps did this and murders does not have anything to distinguish.
„Does not need to be worried that these can cope with the blood and sweat BMW violently poisonously, but is not useful to Big Yellow, he can the violently poisonous automatic filtration.”
Jiang Chen smiled, regarding Big Yellow Dog, he was not worried that he had not forgotten initially first time saw Big Yellow time, he is displaying the violent poisonousness of Underworld Python to Big Yellow Dog, this fellow is only spits greatly, a matter does not have.