School is where students develop skills that help them interpret and adapt to a changing world. The ability to teach skills such as reading, writing, and problem solving, and then apply them to situations in my students’ everyday lives is crucial. Teachers who encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learned and incorporate those skills into their lives develop their students’ critical literacy. And, with this ability to interpret the world around them, students begin to adapt and succeed in a changing world. The student’s journey into literacy begins with a teacher.
When a teacher knows subject matter well, communicating it to students becomes more of a pleasure than a chore. In knowing my subject matter, I have a strong philosophy towards literacy—both in terms of reading and writing as well as in terms of a new understanding and thinking for the digital age. As a language arts and publications teacher, I see that content specific knowledge of literature or newspaper procedures is a secondary concern when considering the larger issues of literacy. If a student can learn the tools for interpreting texts, writing essays, and creatively solving problems into their own daily lives, then I feel that my teaching served its purpose. Students also need to learn how to successfully integrate technology into their learning. To teach a student just my subject matter is not enough for them to survive. I need to teach them new ways to interpret and understand the world that they live in and will soon be creating.
Working with students only matters if you can maintain a classroom community conducive to learning. Working with students is the primary aim of the teacher’s career. While that seems like an obvious statement, it is more than just working with students on a day to day basis that will make a good teacher. A good teacher spends a great deal of time after class hours working with students and planning engaging and appropriate activities to get students to be independent thinkers, further developing their critical literacy. In my class room, I respect and care for all students. I’ve taught students at each grade level from 7-12; students from many ability levels from LD and ADD to highly gifted; and students from many cultural backgrounds including students who barely speak English at all. Lessons that I develop build on students’ strengths and interests so that they can use their prior knowledge to create new knowledge. Being a teacher means being a teacher unconditionally, and treating all students accordingly with respect and concern.
In order to learn, a classroom must be a place where ideas can be discovered, tried, challenged and reformed into better, more accurate understandings. In order to have a classroom that allows for this freedom of exploration, a teacher must develop inquiry based lessons while also holding students accountable for their actions and words. My ideal classroom blends a tough stance on discipline with an open mind towards students and their learning. For example, in order to really understand any topic, a series of questions, from both teacher and students, need to be asked what is this, why is it important, and how does it relate to what we already know? It is always necessary to channel students’ energy into productive inquiry and not allow off-task behavior. When off-task behaviors occur though, it is important to not immediately challenge the student, but instead to issue a gentle reminder. Working with the student is always the first step to creating a stronger learning community and a critical literacy. And with a strong community in the classroom, the learning will occur naturally, for both students and teacher.
A professional is a person who is trained to know, almost instinctively, what to do in any situation and when to do it. Those skills, as a teacher, are essential while working with students, administrators, fellow teachers, parents, professional colleagues and the community. Teachers must know how to work in the many roles and fulfill the numerous duties that we have. Professional teachers constantly and consistently reflect on practice. Whether it is in the formal assessment through video taping and writing, or if it is an informal talk with another teacher at lunch, professional teachers examine their own pedagogy and change it to meet the needs of their students.
I am always learning how to teach. By meeting and collaborating with other faculty in the school, I’ve designed units where students can use the resources in the library, the Internet, and themselves in order to learn. In short, I am always looking for opportunities to reflect on experiences and seeking opportunities for growth as a new teacher. I have every intention of furthering my own professional development as I try to fit into a new school and curriculum as well as with the students, faculty, and community. Reading, writing, and problem solving are only the first steps into developing students’ habits of life-long learning. These are the habits that I want students to remember through school and in life, long after they have left my classroom.