„Elder Brother Lin , are you worried about what?” Xiao Moxian sees the Lin Ming tight wrinkle brow, said in a soft voice.
Lin Ming hesitates slightly, passes on the tone channel: „Does not think that my choice by them was seen, in order to avoid the news passes on, the person of harboring evil intentions, will covet reward in my hand, even if that reward cannot transfer, perhaps also some people injure in me, to obtain to confirm!”
Final trial that Asura Road Master establishes, really concerns significantly, some Old Monster thing, feared can not give a thought to the status gets rid to oneself, but Divine Writing Master Guild not necessarily can cover him, compared with treasure and improvement version Divine Writing Talisman that after all Asura Road Master leaves behind, that completely was two levels things!
„This doesn't brat, walk?”
„Hey, he is knows completions of these immortal palace requests probably, scared.”
Divine Void Crown Prince, Bright Moon Region King, in waiting to be looking at the Lin Ming joke, now saw that Lin Ming suddenly stopped, thinks that he is knew mostly after immortal palace reward demand completion rank, was completely ignorant.
These many people look that he does not dare to choose, fears disgraced.
„Was interesting, I must have a look but actually, how your a while ends!” In Bright Moon Region King heart pleased, your talent is high and what kind, makes to laugh like this in a big way, big of slippery world checks simply!
Qian Tu and Fan Hua flower follows in Lin Ming behind, saw that Lin Ming suddenly does not walk, is some surprise stopped.
„Brother Lin younger brother, how?”
„Does not have what”
Lin Ming has rubbed gently a while, ponders that own reward choice, after must to trial had finished finally, the news will travel. Moreover the way that as if trial was transmitted is the stochastic transmission, then big Asura Sea, oneself, only if the luck back arrives at Peak, will pass to the Old Monster thing pile.
Let alone transmits to there goes, these Old Monster thing, first will not know that Lin Ming has attained the what reward in trial finally, even not necessarily knows Lin Ming.
When the time comes, Lin Ming withdraws not to be difficult, moreover Lin Ming also has Asura Command, so long as wins some time. He can start Asura Command to return to outside Asura Road goes!
Outside Asura was safe. Lin Ming can leave Asura Road from there, returns to Divine Realm , but at that time, the travel of this close 60 years of Asura Road. Also will finish perfectly!
Thinks of these. Lin Ming also takes into consideration are actually not many. In Asura Old Monster thing, even if had the thoughts to him, how can also?
Lin Ming corners of the mouth pan- slight curve.
He started to continue to go forward. speed also sped up, emerges from the people!
This trial third, the different-sized immortal palaces, the position has the high under division finally.
The number are most, four of thatched hut size and other immortal palaces, the universal position is somewhat low, but other bigger immortal palace, the position is higher.
Lin Ming speed is extremely quick, is only a twinkle, passed over gently and swiftly that boundless many small immortal palace, turns toward the third-class immortal palace to fly directly!
„Can enter the third-class immortal palace?”
Divine Void Crown Prince and Hong Yan is a brow wrinkle, the third-class immortal palace of palace size, the request choose the gate of level difficulty principle, moreover needs quite high completion to achieve, is detained in finally the trial third these many people, 90% people are unable the enter third-class immortal palace, only to choose four and other immortal palaces.
Lin Ming comes up to fire into the third-class immortal palace, that was the same with them, in that case, they do not have the what superiority to Lin Ming.
Moreover the key is, Lin Ming has chosen the gate of toughest Asura level principle, actually can also achieve always completion that the third-class immortal palace needs, is extremely really astonishing!
Divine Void Crown Prince and Hong Yan are depressed, but at this moment, the Lin Ming actually winking eye passed over gently and swiftly the third-class immortal palace, flies to the second-rate immortal palace!
„Does he choose the second-rate immortal palace difficultly inadequately? After which is the soul , the choice of empress!”
Before perfectly after the Heaven Step trial soul, has chosen the second-rate immortal palace!