Are you still wondering what Google Classroom is all about and whether you should start using it or not? This video explanation created by Amy Mayer is a definitely a must watch. Amy provides a concise overview of the current features of Google Classroom. She started with the things you can do with Google Classroom and used some examples of how teachers are implementing it in their classrooms; how it is used for assignments, how it is integrated with Google Drive, how teachers share files and documents, and many more. Amy also talked about some other features such as how to manage your ‘students tab’ to either allow or disallow students to post comments and interact with you. You will also get to know how to generate a class code that students can use to join your class and other pretty cool stuff that you can do on Google Classroom.
Related: 6 Great Things You Can Do with Google Classroom
Amy also talked some about some of the things that are not yet available on Google Classroom such as for example:
Google Classroom does not have a sophisticated threaded message capabilities
It does not let students watch Youtube videos if YouTube is blocked
It does not provide a way to add parents or co-teachers in as anything other than students.
No way to create a sub-group within a group
Watch the video below to learn more about what you can and can't do with Google Classroom