Plot Act One' Portico of Saint Paul's Church (not Wren's Cathedral but translation - Plot Act One' Portico of Saint Paul's Church (not Wren's Cathedral but Indonesian how to say

Plot Act One' Portico of Saint Paul


Act One
' Portico of Saint Paul's Church (not Wren's Cathedral but Inigo Jones Church in Covent Garden vegetable market)' –
11.15p.m. A group of people are sheltering from the rain. Among them are the Eynsford-Hills , superficial social climbers eking out a living in "genteel poverty", consisting initially of Mrs. Eynsford-Hill and her daughter Clara .
Clara's brother Freddy enters having earlier been dispatched to secure them a cab (which they can ill-afford), but being rather timid and faint-hearted he has failed to do so. As he goes off once again to find a cab, he bumps into a flower girl, Eliza. Her flowers drop into the mud
of Covent Garden , the flowers she needs to survive in her poverty-stricken world. Shortly they are joined by a gentleman, Colonel Pickering . While Eliza tries to sell flowers
to the Colonel, a bystander informs her that a man is writing down everything she says. The man is Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics. Eliza worries that Higgins is a police officer and will not calm down until Higgins introduces
himself. It soon becomes apparent that he and Colonel Pickering have a shared interest in phonetics; indeed, Pickering has come from India to meet Higgins, and Higgins was planning to go to India to meet Pickering. Higgins tells Pickering that he could pass off the flower girl as a duchess merely by teaching her to speak properly. These words of
bravado spark an interest in Eliza, who would love to make changes in her life and become more mannerly, even though, to her, it only means working in a flower shop. At the end of
the act, Freddy returns after finding a taxi, only to find that his mother and sister have gone and left him with the cab. The streetwise Eliza takes the cab from him, using the money that Higgins tossed to her, leaving him on his own.

Act Two
Higgins' – Next Day. As Higgins demonstrates his phoneticsto Pickering, the housekeeper, Mrs. Pearce , tells him that a young girl wants to see him. Eliza has shown up, because she
wishes to talk like a lady in a flower shop. She then tells Higgins that she will pay for lessons. He shows no interest in her, but she reminds him of his boast the previous day. Higgins claimed that he could pass her for a duchess.
Pickering makes a bet with him on his claim, and says that he will pay for her lessons if Higgins succeeds. She is sent off to have a bath. Mrs. Pearce tells Higgins that he must
behave himself in the young girl's presence. He must stop swearing, and improve his table manners. He is at a loss to
understand why she should find fault with him. Then Alfred Doolittle, Eliza's father, appears with the sole purpose of getting money out of Higgins. He has no interest in his
daughter in a paternal way. He sees himself as a member of the undeserving poor, and means to go on being undeserving. He has an eccentric view of life, brought about by a lack of
education and an intelligent brain. He is also aggressive, and when Eliza, on her return, sticks her tongue out at him, he goes to hit her, but is prevented by Pickering. The scene
ends with Higgins telling Pickering that they really have got a difficult job on their hands.

Act Three
Mrs. Higgins' drawing room. Higgins bursts in and tells his mother he has picked up a "common flower girl" whom he has been teaching. Mrs. Higgins is not very impressed with her son's attempts to win her approval because it is her 'at home' day and she is entertaining visitors. The visitors are the Eynsford-Hills. Higgins is rude to them on their arrival. Eliza enters and soon falls into talking about the weather and her family. Whilst she is now able to speak in beautifully
modulated tones, the substance of what she says remains unchanged from the gutter. She confides her suspicions that her aunt was killed by relatives, and mentions that gin had been "mother's milk" to this aunt, and that Eliza's own father was always more cheerful after a goodly amount of gin. Higgins passes off her remarks as "the new small talk", and Freddy is enraptured. When she is leaving, he asks her
if she is going to walk across the park, to which she replies, "Walk? Not bloody likely!" (This is the most famous line from the play, and, for many years after the play's debut, use of the word 'bloody' was known as a pygmalion; Mrs.
Campbell was considered to have risked her career by speaking the line on stage [8] ) After she and the Eynsford- Hills leave, Henry asks for his mother's opinion. She says the
girl is not presentable and is very concerned about what will happen to her, but neither Higgins nor Pickering understand her thoughts of Eliza's future, and leave feeling confident
and excited about how Eliza will get on. This leaves Mrs. Higgins feeling exasperated, and exclaiming, "Men! Men!! Men!!!"

Act Four
Higgins' home – The time is midnight, and Higgins, Pickering, and Eliza have returned from the ball. A tired Eliza sits unnoticed, brooding and silent, while Pickering congratulates on winning the bet. Higgins scoffs and declares the evening a "silly tomfoolery", thanking God it's over and saying that he had been sick of the whole thing for the last two months. Still barely acknowledging Eliza beyond asking her to leave a note for Mrs. Pearce regarding coffee, the two retire to bed. Higgins returns to the room, looking for his slippers, and Eliza throws them at him. Higgins is taken aback, and is at first completely unable to understand Eliza's preoccupation, which aside from being ignored after her triumph is the question of what she is to do now. When Higgins does understand he makes light of it, saying she could get married, but Eliza interprets this as selling herself like a prostitute. "We were above that at the corner of
Tottenham Court Road ." Finally she returns her jewellery to Higgins, including the ring he had given her, which he throws into the fireplace with a violence that scares Eliza. Furious
with himself for losing his temper, he damns Mrs. Pearce, the coffee and then Eliza, and finally himself, for "lavishing" his knowledge and his "regard and intimacy" on a "heartless guttersnipe", and retires in great dudgeon.
Eliza roots around in the fireplace and retrieves the ring.

Act Five
Mrs. Higgins' drawing room, the next morning. Higgins and Pickering, perturbed by the discovery that Eliza has walked
out on them, call on Mrs. Higgins to phone the police. Higgins is particularly distracted, since Eliza had assumed the responsibility of maintaining his diary and keeping track of
his possessions, which causes Mrs. Higgins to decry their calling the police as though Eliza were "a lost umbrella". Doolittle is announced; he emerges dressed in splendid
wedding attire and is furious with Higgins, who after their previous encounter had been so taken with Doolittle's unorthodox ethics that he had recommended him as the "most original moralist in England" to a rich American
founding Moral Reform Societies; the American had subsequently left Doolittle a pension worth three thousand pounds a year, as consequence of which Doolittle feels intimidated into joining the middle class and marrying his missus. Mrs. Higgins observes that this at least settles the
problem of who shall provide for Eliza, to which Higgins objects — after all, he paid Doolittle five pounds for her. Mrs. Higgins informs her son that Eliza is upstairs, and explains the circumstances of her arrival, alluding to how
marginalised and overlooked Eliza felt the previous night. Higgins is unable to appreciate this, and sulks when told that
he must behave if Eliza is to join them. Doolittle is asked to wait outside. Eliza enters, at ease and self-possessed. Higgins blusters
but Eliza isn't shaken and speaks exclusively to Pickering. Throwing Higgins' previous insults back at him ("Oh, I'm only a squashed cabbage leaf"), Eliza remarks that it was only by
Pickering's example that she learned to be a lady, which renders Higgins speechless. Eliza goes on to say that she has completely left behind the flower girl she was, and that she
couldn't utter any of her old sounds if she tried — at which point Doolittle emerges from the balcony, causing Eliza to relapse totally into her gutter speech. Higgins is jubilant, jumping up and crowing over her. Doolittle explains his
situation and asks if Eliza will come to his wedding. Pickering and Mrs. Higgins also agree to go, and leave with Doolittle
and Eliza to follow. The scene ends with another confrontation between Higgins
and Eliza. Higgins asks if Eliza is satisfied with the revenge she has brought thus far and if she will now come back, but she refuses. Higgins defends himself from Eliza earlier accusation by arguing that he treats everyone the same, so
she shouldn't feel singled out. Eliza replies that she just wants a little kindness, and that since he will never stop to show her this, she will not come back, but will marry Freddy. Higgins scolds her for such low ambitions: he has made her "a consort for a king." When she threatens to teach phonetics and offer herself as an assistant to Nepomuck, Higgins again loses his temper and promises to wring her neck if she does so. Eliza realises that this last threat
strikes Higgins at the very core and that it gives her power over him; Higgins, for his part, is delighted to see a spark of fight in Eliza rather than her erstwhile fretting and worrying. He remarks "I like you like this", and calls her a
"pillar of strength". Mrs. Higgins returns and she and Eliza depart for the wedding. As they leave Higgins incorrigibly gives Eliza a number of errands to run, as though their recent conversation had not taken place. Eliza disdainfully explains why they are unnecessary, and wonders what Higgins is going to do without her. Higgins laughs to himself
at the idea of Eliza marrying Freddy as the play ends.
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]

satu tindakan
' Gereja Portico dari Saint Paul (tidak Wren Katedral namun Inigo Jones gereja di Covent Garden market di sayuran)' –
11.15 p. m Sekelompok orang yang berlindung dari hujan. Di antaranya adalah Eynsford perbukitan, dangkal pendaki sosial eking mencari penghidupan di "sopan kemiskinan", awalnya terdiri dari ibu Eynsford-bukit dan putrinya Clara.
Clara saudara Freddy memasuki memiliki sebelumnya telah dikirim untuk mengamankan mereka taksi (yang mereka sakit-mampu), tapi menjadi agak pemalu dan lesu ia telah gagal untuk melakukannya. Karena ia pergi sekali lagi untuk mencari taksi, ia terbentur gadis bunga, Eliza. Bunga nya jatuh ke Lumpur
Covent Garden, bunga dia perlu bertahan hidup dalam kemiskinan dunia. Segera mereka bergabung dengan seorang pria, Pickering Kolonel. Sementara Eliza mencoba untuk menjual bunga
Kolonel, seorang pengamat memberitahu padanya bahwa seorang pria menulis semua yang dia bilang. Manusia adalah Henry Higgins, seorang profesor fonetik. Eliza kekhawatiran bahwa Higgins adalah seorang perwira polisi dan akan tidak tenang sampai Higgins memperkenalkan
dirinya. Segera menjadi jelas bahwa ia dan Kolonel Pickering memiliki kepentingan bersama dalam fonetik; Memang, Pickering telah datang dari India untuk bertemu Higgins, dan Higgins berencana pergi ke India untuk bertemu Pickering. Higgins memberitahu Pickering bahwa ia bisa lulus dari gadis bunga sebagai Adipati hanya dengan mengajar dia untuk berbicara dengan benar. Kata-kata
keberanian memicu minat pada Eliza, yang akan senang untuk membuat perubahan dalam hidupnya dan menjadi lebih berbudi, meskipun, untuk dia, itu hanya berarti bekerja di toko bunga. Pada akhir
undang-undang, Freddy kembali setelah mencari taksi, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa ibunya dan saudara telah pergi dan meninggalkan Dia dengan taksi. Eliza jalanan mengambil taksi dari dia, menggunakan uang yang Higgins melemparkan padanya, meninggalkan Dia sendiri.

dua tindakan
Higgins' – hari berikutnya. Sebagai Higgins menunjukkan nya phoneticsto Pickering, pengurus rumah tangga, ibu Pearce, mengatakan kepadanya bahwa seorang gadis muda ingin melihatnya. Eliza muncul, karena dia
keinginan untuk berbicara seperti seorang wanita di toko bunga. Dia kemudian mengatakan Higgins bahwa dia akan membayar untuk pelajaran. Ia menunjukkan tidak tertarik padanya, tetapi dia mengingatkan dia membanggakan nya hari sebelumnya. Higgins mengklaim bahwa ia bisa lulus dia untuk duchess.
Pickering membuat taruhan dengan dia pada klaimnya, dan mengatakan bahwa ia akan membayar untuk pelajaran nya jika Higgins berhasil. Dia dikirim ke memiliki bathtub. Ibu Pearce memberitahu Higgins bahwa ia harus
berperilaku dirinya di hadapan gadis muda. Dia harus berhenti bersumpah, dan meningkatkan sopan santun meja. Dia adalah di kehilangan untuk
mengerti mengapa ia harus menemukan kesalahan dengan-nya. Kemudian Alfred Doolittle, Bapa Eliza's, muncul dengan tujuan mendapatkan uang dari Higgins. Ia tidak memiliki kepentingan dalam
putri dengan cara ayah. Dia melihat dirinya sebagai anggota masyarakat miskin menerimanya, dan berarti pergi pada yang menerimanya. Dia memiliki pandangan hidup, disebabkan oleh kurangnya eksentrik
pendidikan dan cerdas otak. Dia juga agresif, dan ketika Eliza, kembali, tongkat lidahnya keluar dia, ia pergi untuk memukul dia, tetapi dicegah oleh Pickering. Adegan
berakhir dengan Higgins mengatakan Pickering bahwa mereka benar-benar telah mendapat pekerjaan yang sulit di tangan mereka.

tiga undang-undang
ibu Higgins' menggambar kamar. Higgins masuk dan memberitahu ibunya dia telah memungut "umum gadis bunga" siapa ia telah mengajar. Mrs. Higgins ini tidak sangat terkesan dengan anaknya upaya untuk memenangkan persetujuannya karena itu adalah hari 'di rumah' dan dia menghibur pengunjung. Pengunjung yang perbukitan Eynsford. Higgins kasar kepada mereka pada saat kedatangan mereka. Eliza memasuki dan segera jatuh ke dalam berbicara tentang cuaca dan keluarganya. Sementara ia sekarang mampu berbicara dalam indah
dimodulasi nada, substansi dari apa yang dia bilang tidak berubah dari selokan. Dia mengaku kecurigaannya bahwa bibinya dibunuh oleh kerabat, dan menyebutkan bahwa gin telah "mother's milk" untuk bibi ini, dan bahwa Bapa Eliza sendiri adalah selalu lebih ceria setelah jumlah yang lumayan gin. Higgins melewati off sambutannya sebagai "bicara kecil baru", dan Freddy terpesona. Ketika ia meninggalkan, ia menanyakan
Apakah dia akan berjalan di Taman, yang dia menjawab, "berjalan? Tidak berdarah mungkin!" (Ini adalah baris paling terkenal dari drama, dan, selama bertahun-tahun setelah debut drama, menggunakan kata 'berdarah' dikenal sebagai pygmalion; Ibu
Campbell dianggap telah mempertaruhkan karier dengan berbicara baris di panggung [8]) setelah dia dan perbukitan Eynsford - meninggalkan, Henry meminta pendapat ibunya. Dia mengatakan
gadis tidak rapi dan sangat prihatin tentang apa yang akan terjadi padanya, tapi Higgins maupun Pickering mengerti pikiran Eliza di masa depan, dan biarkan merasa percaya diri
dan bersemangat tentang bagaimana Eliza akan mendapatkan pada. Ini meninggalkan ibu Higgins merasa jengkel, dan berseru, "laki-laki! Laki-laki!! Laki-laki!"

Bertindak empat
Higgins' rumah-waktu adalah tengah malam, dan Higgins, Pickering, dan Eliza telah kembali dari bola. Eliza lelah duduk tanpa diketahui, merenung dan diam, sementara Pickering mengucapkan selamat memenangkan taruhan. Higgins scoffs dan menyatakan malam "konyol tomfoolery", berterima kasih kepada Tuhan yang sudah selesai dan mengatakan bahwa dia telah sakit seluruh hal untuk dua bulan terakhir. Masih hampir tidak mengakui Eliza luar memintanya untuk meninggalkan catatan untuk Mrs. Pearce mengenai kopi, dua pensiun ke tempat tidur. Higgins kembali ke kamar, mencari sandal nya, dan Eliza melempar mereka kepadanya. Higgins adalah terkejut, dan pada pertama benar-benar mampu memahami keasyikan Eliza's, yang selain diabaikan setelah kemenangan nya adalah pertanyaan apa yang harus dilakukan sekarang. Ketika Higgins memahami dia membuat cahaya mengatakan dia bisa menikah, tetapi Eliza menafsirkan ini sebagai menjual dirinya seperti seorang pelacur. "Kita berada di atas yang di pojok
Tottenham Court Road." Akhirnya dia kembali perhiasan nya ke Higgins, termasuk cincin yang diberikannya kepada dia, yang dia melempar ke dalam perapian dengan kekerasan yang takut Eliza. Marah
dirinya untuk kehilangan emosinya, ia damns ibu Pearce, kopi dan kemudian Eliza, dan akhirnya sendiri, untuk "melimpahi" pengetahuan dan "hal dan keintiman" pada "tak berperasaan guttersnipe", dan pensiun di besar dudgeon.
Eliza sekitar perakaran di perapian dan mengambil cincin.

Act lima
ibu Higgins' menggambar Kamar, keesokan harinya. Higgins dan Pickering, terganggu oleh penemuan bahwa Eliza telah berjalan
luar pada mereka, memanggil Mrs. Higgins untuk telepon polisi. Higgins sangat terganggu, karena Eliza telah diasumsikan tanggung jawab menjaga hariannya dan melacak
miliknya, yang menyebabkan ibu Higgins untuk mengutuk mereka memanggil polisi seolah-olah Eliza "payung yang hilang". Doolittle diumumkan; ia muncul berpakaian dalam indah
Pernikahan Pakaian dan sangat marah dengan Higgins, yang setelah pertemuan mereka sebelumnya telah begitu diambil dengan Doolittle di etika tidak lazim yang ia menyarankan dirinya sebagai "moralist paling orisinal di Inggris" untuk kaya Amerika
pendiri Moral masyarakat reformasi; Amerika kemudian meninggalkan Doolittle pensiun senilai tiga ribu pound per tahun, sebagai konsekuensi dari Doolittle yang merasa terintimidasi dalam bergabung dengan kelas menengah dan menikahi Sinau nya. Ibu Higgins mengamati bahwa ini setidaknya mengendap
masalah yang akan menyediakan Eliza, objek Higgins yang-setelah semua, dia membayar Doolittle lima pound untuknya. Ibu Higgins memberitahu anaknya bahwa Eliza lantai atas, dan menjelaskan keadaan kedatangannya, menyinggung bagaimana
Eliza marjinal dan diabaikan merasa malam sebelumnya. Higgins mampu menghargai ini, dan sulks ketika diberitahu bahwa
ia harus bersikap jika Eliza untuk bergabung dengan mereka. Doolittle diminta untuk menunggu di luar. Eliza memasuki, santai dan dimiliki diri. Higgins blusters
tetapi Eliza tidak terguncang dan berbicara secara eksklusif untuk Pickering. Melempar penghinaan sebelumnya Higgins' kembali kepadanya ("Oh, Aku hanya daun kubis terjepit"), Eliza menyatakan bahwa itu hanya oleh
Pickering contoh bahwa dia belajar untuk menjadi seorang wanita, yang menjadikan Higgins terdiam. Eliza pergi mengatakan bahwa dia benar-benar telah meninggalkan di belakang gadis bunga dia, dan bahwa dia
tak bisa 't mengucapkan salah satu suara tua nya jika ia mencoba — di mana titik Doolittle muncul dari balkon, menyebabkan Eliza kambuh benar-benar ke dalam sambutannya selokan. Higgins gembira, melompat dan berkokok atas dirinya. Doolittle menjelaskan nya
situasi dan bertanya jika Eliza akan datang untuk pernikahannya. Pickering dan ibu Higgins juga setuju untuk pergi, dan meninggalkan dengan Doolittle
dan Eliza untuk mengikuti. Adegan berakhir dengan lain konfrontasi antara Higgins
dan Eliza. Higgins bertanya jika Eliza puas dengan balas dendam yang dia telah membawa sejauh ini dan jika ia sekarang akan kembali, tapi dia menolak. Higgins membela dirinya dari Eliza sebelumnya tuduhan dengan berargumen bahwa ia memperlakukan semua orang sama, jadi
dia seharusnya tidak merasa singled keluar. Eliza menjawab bahwa ia hanya ingin sedikit kebaikan, dan bahwa karena ia tidak akan pernah berhenti untuk menunjukkan dirinya ini, ia tidak akan kembali, tapi akan menikah Freddy. Higgins tegur dia untuk ambisi rendah seperti: dia telah membuatnya "selir raja." Ketika dia mengancam untuk mengajar fonetik dan menawarkan dirinya sebagai asisten untuk Nepomuck, Higgins lagi kehilangan emosinya dan berjanji Peras lehernya jika dia melakukan itu. Eliza menyadari bahwa ancaman ini terakhir
pemogokan Higgins di inti dan bahwa hal itu memberikan kekuasaan atas dirinya; Higgins, untuk bagiannya, senang melihat percikan pertarungan di Eliza daripada dahulu resah dan khawatir. Dia menyatakan "Aku seperti Anda seperti ini", dan memanggilnya
"pilar kekuatan". Ibu Higgins kembali dan dia dan Eliza berangkat untuk pernikahan. Ketika mereka meninggalkan Higgins incorrigibly memberikan Eliza sejumlah tugas untuk menjalankan, seolah-olah mereka percakapan baru itu belum lagi terjadi. Eliza disdainfully menjelaskan mengapa mereka tidak perlu, dan bertanya-tanya apa Higgins akan melakukan tanpa dia. Higgins tertawa sendiri
pada gagasan Eliza menikahi Freddy sebagai permainan berakhir.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]

Act One
' Portico of Saint Paul's Church (not Wren's Cathedral but Inigo Jones Church in Covent Garden vegetable market)' –
11.15p.m. A group of people are sheltering from the rain. Among them are the Eynsford-Hills , superficial social climbers eking out a living in "genteel poverty", consisting initially of Mrs. Eynsford-Hill and her daughter Clara .
Clara's brother Freddy enters having earlier been dispatched to secure them a cab (which they can ill-afford), but being rather timid and faint-hearted he has failed to do so. As he goes off once again to find a cab, he bumps into a flower girl, Eliza. Her flowers drop into the mud
of Covent Garden , the flowers she needs to survive in her poverty-stricken world. Shortly they are joined by a gentleman, Colonel Pickering . While Eliza tries to sell flowers
to the Colonel, a bystander informs her that a man is writing down everything she says. The man is Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics. Eliza worries that Higgins is a police officer and will not calm down until Higgins introduces
himself. It soon becomes apparent that he and Colonel Pickering have a shared interest in phonetics; indeed, Pickering has come from India to meet Higgins, and Higgins was planning to go to India to meet Pickering. Higgins tells Pickering that he could pass off the flower girl as a duchess merely by teaching her to speak properly. These words of
bravado spark an interest in Eliza, who would love to make changes in her life and become more mannerly, even though, to her, it only means working in a flower shop. At the end of
the act, Freddy returns after finding a taxi, only to find that his mother and sister have gone and left him with the cab. The streetwise Eliza takes the cab from him, using the money that Higgins tossed to her, leaving him on his own.

Act Two
Higgins' – Next Day. As Higgins demonstrates his phoneticsto Pickering, the housekeeper, Mrs. Pearce , tells him that a young girl wants to see him. Eliza has shown up, because she
wishes to talk like a lady in a flower shop. She then tells Higgins that she will pay for lessons. He shows no interest in her, but she reminds him of his boast the previous day. Higgins claimed that he could pass her for a duchess.
Pickering makes a bet with him on his claim, and says that he will pay for her lessons if Higgins succeeds. She is sent off to have a bath. Mrs. Pearce tells Higgins that he must
behave himself in the young girl's presence. He must stop swearing, and improve his table manners. He is at a loss to
understand why she should find fault with him. Then Alfred Doolittle, Eliza's father, appears with the sole purpose of getting money out of Higgins. He has no interest in his
daughter in a paternal way. He sees himself as a member of the undeserving poor, and means to go on being undeserving. He has an eccentric view of life, brought about by a lack of
education and an intelligent brain. He is also aggressive, and when Eliza, on her return, sticks her tongue out at him, he goes to hit her, but is prevented by Pickering. The scene
ends with Higgins telling Pickering that they really have got a difficult job on their hands.

Act Three
Mrs. Higgins' drawing room. Higgins bursts in and tells his mother he has picked up a "common flower girl" whom he has been teaching. Mrs. Higgins is not very impressed with her son's attempts to win her approval because it is her 'at home' day and she is entertaining visitors. The visitors are the Eynsford-Hills. Higgins is rude to them on their arrival. Eliza enters and soon falls into talking about the weather and her family. Whilst she is now able to speak in beautifully
modulated tones, the substance of what she says remains unchanged from the gutter. She confides her suspicions that her aunt was killed by relatives, and mentions that gin had been "mother's milk" to this aunt, and that Eliza's own father was always more cheerful after a goodly amount of gin. Higgins passes off her remarks as "the new small talk", and Freddy is enraptured. When she is leaving, he asks her
if she is going to walk across the park, to which she replies, "Walk? Not bloody likely!" (This is the most famous line from the play, and, for many years after the play's debut, use of the word 'bloody' was known as a pygmalion; Mrs.
Campbell was considered to have risked her career by speaking the line on stage [8] ) After she and the Eynsford- Hills leave, Henry asks for his mother's opinion. She says the
girl is not presentable and is very concerned about what will happen to her, but neither Higgins nor Pickering understand her thoughts of Eliza's future, and leave feeling confident
and excited about how Eliza will get on. This leaves Mrs. Higgins feeling exasperated, and exclaiming, "Men! Men!! Men!!!"

Act Four
Higgins' home – The time is midnight, and Higgins, Pickering, and Eliza have returned from the ball. A tired Eliza sits unnoticed, brooding and silent, while Pickering congratulates on winning the bet. Higgins scoffs and declares the evening a "silly tomfoolery", thanking God it's over and saying that he had been sick of the whole thing for the last two months. Still barely acknowledging Eliza beyond asking her to leave a note for Mrs. Pearce regarding coffee, the two retire to bed. Higgins returns to the room, looking for his slippers, and Eliza throws them at him. Higgins is taken aback, and is at first completely unable to understand Eliza's preoccupation, which aside from being ignored after her triumph is the question of what she is to do now. When Higgins does understand he makes light of it, saying she could get married, but Eliza interprets this as selling herself like a prostitute. "We were above that at the corner of
Tottenham Court Road ." Finally she returns her jewellery to Higgins, including the ring he had given her, which he throws into the fireplace with a violence that scares Eliza. Furious
with himself for losing his temper, he damns Mrs. Pearce, the coffee and then Eliza, and finally himself, for "lavishing" his knowledge and his "regard and intimacy" on a "heartless guttersnipe", and retires in great dudgeon.
Eliza roots around in the fireplace and retrieves the ring.

Act Five
Mrs. Higgins' drawing room, the next morning. Higgins and Pickering, perturbed by the discovery that Eliza has walked
out on them, call on Mrs. Higgins to phone the police. Higgins is particularly distracted, since Eliza had assumed the responsibility of maintaining his diary and keeping track of
his possessions, which causes Mrs. Higgins to decry their calling the police as though Eliza were "a lost umbrella". Doolittle is announced; he emerges dressed in splendid
wedding attire and is furious with Higgins, who after their previous encounter had been so taken with Doolittle's unorthodox ethics that he had recommended him as the "most original moralist in England" to a rich American
founding Moral Reform Societies; the American had subsequently left Doolittle a pension worth three thousand pounds a year, as consequence of which Doolittle feels intimidated into joining the middle class and marrying his missus. Mrs. Higgins observes that this at least settles the
problem of who shall provide for Eliza, to which Higgins objects — after all, he paid Doolittle five pounds for her. Mrs. Higgins informs her son that Eliza is upstairs, and explains the circumstances of her arrival, alluding to how
marginalised and overlooked Eliza felt the previous night. Higgins is unable to appreciate this, and sulks when told that
he must behave if Eliza is to join them. Doolittle is asked to wait outside. Eliza enters, at ease and self-possessed. Higgins blusters
but Eliza isn't shaken and speaks exclusively to Pickering. Throwing Higgins' previous insults back at him ("Oh, I'm only a squashed cabbage leaf"), Eliza remarks that it was only by
Pickering's example that she learned to be a lady, which renders Higgins speechless. Eliza goes on to say that she has completely left behind the flower girl she was, and that she
couldn't utter any of her old sounds if she tried — at which point Doolittle emerges from the balcony, causing Eliza to relapse totally into her gutter speech. Higgins is jubilant, jumping up and crowing over her. Doolittle explains his
situation and asks if Eliza will come to his wedding. Pickering and Mrs. Higgins also agree to go, and leave with Doolittle
and Eliza to follow. The scene ends with another confrontation between Higgins
and Eliza. Higgins asks if Eliza is satisfied with the revenge she has brought thus far and if she will now come back, but she refuses. Higgins defends himself from Eliza earlier accusation by arguing that he treats everyone the same, so
she shouldn't feel singled out. Eliza replies that she just wants a little kindness, and that since he will never stop to show her this, she will not come back, but will marry Freddy. Higgins scolds her for such low ambitions: he has made her "a consort for a king." When she threatens to teach phonetics and offer herself as an assistant to Nepomuck, Higgins again loses his temper and promises to wring her neck if she does so. Eliza realises that this last threat
strikes Higgins at the very core and that it gives her power over him; Higgins, for his part, is delighted to see a spark of fight in Eliza rather than her erstwhile fretting and worrying. He remarks "I like you like this", and calls her a
"pillar of strength". Mrs. Higgins returns and she and Eliza depart for the wedding. As they leave Higgins incorrigibly gives Eliza a number of errands to run, as though their recent conversation had not taken place. Eliza disdainfully explains why they are unnecessary, and wonders what Higgins is going to do without her. Higgins laughs to himself
at the idea of Eliza marrying Freddy as the play ends.
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