I am a girl who likes going on outdoor adventures but also enjoys cuddling up on the couch. I work as an accountant for many years and I love my job. I have a good heart and like to help people. I am a happy girl who like to make everyone smile. Laughter is one of the most important gifts that we can give or receive. When my friends need cheering up, they give me a call. I'm great at finding the funny side in just about any situation. I live a healthy live, healthy eating and an exercise routine should be an important part of every day life. I think a strong work ethic, empathy, honesty,dependability and compassion are some of the most important personality traits. I enjoy travelling and am always looking forward to the next trip. I am a romantic at heart and tend to wear my heart on my shirt sleeve. I am strong and independent yet a little bit shy , sensitive, gentle and patient. I try to be kind and compassionate and really do try to see the good in everyone and everything as hard as that can be sometimes. I am a fun loving person and love to laugh until I cry, but I do understand there is a time to be serious. I desire the truth above all things, and believe that without trust you really have nothing. I don't have a problem with long distance if its the right person.