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Indonesian) 1:
Abstract Weber’s piece on the development of the north-European Western city has not commanded attention in the recent theoretical litera-ture. This article argues that it can however provide fresh insights into some key problems of Weber’s diagnosis of modernity and into his general socio-logical theory, especially as to his theory of action and creativity. A more open-ended conception of modernity can be gained from its analysis, which is more compatible with Weber’s own methodological assumptions. A different relationship between freedom and rationality may be derived as a theoretical and political consequence from the discussion of The City.Key words collective subjectivity • creativity • freedom • modernity • rationalization • Weber • Western cityThe City and the Weberian projectAlthough it is acknowledged as an important piece by Max Weber, The City – Non-legitimate Domination has received almost no attention in the recent theoretical literature about this classical author in the social sciences.1 However, much can be gained from a study of its most general hypotheses, not only in historiographical terms (which will not be my goal here), but especially for a deeper understanding of Weber’s method-ology, of his conception of western rationalization and also as to the limits of his diagnosis of modernity. The City makes evident the truth-fulness of Benjamin Nelson’s (1974) statement that Weber strove to grasp the development of the West in a way far more complex than one might suppose should we abide by a simplistic contraposition between ideas and material life, or between Weberianism and Marxism. This seminal piece on the urban phenomenon will afford us a less teleologi-cal view of modernity than Weber’s, which, regardless of his methodo-logical perspective, results in pessimism and resignation in the face of the possibilities open for the development of that civilization.A reference to Weber’s theory and typology of action is unavoidable in this case. The reading of The City shows, in a particularly vivid manner, its inadequation within the presuppositions of his own work, as authors such as Parsons (1937: 640 ff.), Aron (1967: 558) and Haber-mas (1981: I, 239 ff.) have already pointed out. In a general way, I shall draw attention to an aspect of that process of rationalization which does not have an instrumental character – resuming in part Habermas’s (1981) emphasis. Finally, I will try to bring out the necessity of tackling Weber’s questions from an angle distinct from his own, but also from Habermas’s, introducing a theory of social creativity which, I believe, allows for the stress on some features of Weber’s indeterminism in par-ticular and of his comprehensive sociology in general. Thereby we can rescue his view of a (foreclosed) possibility of a specific sort of demo-cratic development in the West, which his rigid conception of the rationalization process and a restrictive notion of creativity tend to block off.
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