Part A (Research Proposal) – 30%1. As continuing the work of pervious assessments, students are required to write a research proposal in early childhood education context.2. In the proposal, each student should, first, identify the objective, research questions, and significance on his or her own research topic.3. Then, each student should mention the methodology of his or her research. This should include a description on the sampling of participants, a description of research tools that would be used in the research, an outline on the procedure of the research, and a plan on the application of appropriate data analysis methods.4. This proposal should be in 6 pages excluding references.5. This proposal MUST be written in English.6. For the proposal outline and required content, please find the attachment one*.Part B (Research Tool) – 20%1. Students should design their research tools (interview questions and/or questionnaire) for their research proposal as designed in Part A.2. Students should conduct a pilot study by implementing the designed research tools to collect the preliminary data for the evaluation in Part B.3. By analyzing the preliminary data, students should then complete the activity checklist (attachment two**) for reviewing the accuracy of designed research tool.4. The research tool and activity checklist should be in 4 pages excluding references.5. The research tool and activity checklist MUST be written in English.