I have a very important story to tell you. On Thursday night, I got to hold the cash amount 200000 baht or 4000 lbs at the ATM and have 3 teen guy walking by me after pressing Finish. They took a knife to hijack my wallet and remove me. The money that comes with holding a mobile phone and £ 4000 that I keep in touch with you and my room key. Now I have no money at all. After it occurred to me to find a sister to remove a backup key is turn on my room.
Mother and my sister was shocked with what happened this time, but I didn't tell anybody that I would press money to go and see. Now I have no money and I would rush to buy a phone to keep in touch with you.
When I'm dealing with myself, then I will call you. I don't have a phone. I miss you so much, because we did not speak. Now I come to borrow a friend's phone for send email to you.
Last night I stay with my mom because I'm sorry so much with my happen
When I buy phone I will send number phone to you because I not have your phone number darling
I miss you so much and love you all the time
เมื่อ 28 มี.ค. 2558 เวลา 03:32 smith roland เขียน:
This ur wolds of mouth to me just read what make me hurt .................so tell me were the understanding is now? U just hurt me hurt my mum hurt evry body that have respect for u in my family just for nothing , with out saying good bey, hope u will see ur type because u have no time remain ur life because ur already 41 age , u really show me how love is hurting , this is how u want to have a lovely kids with me and how u undarstand me, Wether good or bad I will always give thanks to my god for his mecy and kind to me because without him am nothing .
Hello my darling
I want you read email from me you will understand me more for we starting the lovers of you and me
I love you so much darling and I swear with you I will love you in my life and forever. Today I'm happy so much you and me understand together
I love my lovely husband so much in my life
Sweet kiss to my lovely husband
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Date:Sun, 22 Mar, 2015 at 12:33 AM
Subject:Fwd: Our Family
Hello my beloved husband.
I feel the love and commitment of you and I on the rise every day when we were talking, and I know we love each other much, but there is one thing that I would like to talk to you, so we understand each other more because I know that double life may not be strewn with rose petals, which means there may be times when I or you do not understand something. And here is my request. I love you so much and you love me so much. Living our soul mate need to have reasons and emotions should not be used here. If any day I do not anything if you don't like. You say you don't like. I will not do it because we want a warm family together forever.
I would like to tell you that I love and respect you and your mother. Because I know you're a good husband to me forever. And I promise to be honest with you all my life, and I want to do everything that my husband, and our kids will be happy your mom as well. I want to make her proud of your wife. And I want you proud with me. Because I love you alone forever darling.
I want to tell you that I never tell loved a man. And you are the first man I dare say I love you. Without expecting you will have this kind of feeling with me? But today we can tell love and miss a pride in love our understanding.
Darling I would like to tell you that now all of my heart I have just only you. And I'm ready to marry you and manage the business of the family with you and take care of you and the children in our care and love to pamper your mom and my mom forever.
I love you so much forever darling
ส่งจาก iPhone ของฉัน
จาก: nat nat
วันที่: 21 มีนาคม 2558 22 นาฬิกา 36 นาที 36 วินาที GMT+7
ถึง: "pornphak1088@gmail.com"
ชื่อเรื่อง: FW: Our Family
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 07:33:30 +0800
From: smithroland831@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: FW: Our Family
To: nattamon1088@hotmail.com
Hello my sweet wife
how are u doing and how was ur night hopefully u have a good and nice dream , honey I want to let u know that I am very much in love with u and I want u to know how I always feel for u , thinking good for our family , ur only woman in my life and I want to have u as god give me to u , I will always look after u because ur very special in my life and I want to see u always happy with me and our kid's , I only think of u this days because ur always weak and tired , honey u don't have enough rest and u don't sleep well also , it rely make me worried about u but I asure u it will end soon when I am with u , I always want to look after u because I promise my god and my self that I will always take good care of my lovely wife Duangjai, ur the best for me and I will protection u and my kids together with our family business because I am the man in the house and I will always available for my precious wife.
Honey I want to always look at ur lovely face when ever we wake up in the moning and make u happiness with me , I want to always be with u , go anywhere with u , shower with u , eat with u , good with u , honest with u , truthful with u , enjoy my life with u, travel with u , cook with u , laghing with u , kiss with u , love with u , care for u , hug with u , hold ur hand were ever we go , I am very honor and praud with u , honey ur very strong woman always wake by 4:30Am evry day by day , honey I rely want u to take good care for me till I come to u for our marriage and be together forever in this wold. Honey I promise u with my wolds and will never hurt or make u cry , Madam I am more happy especially when ever I see u laghing and happiness with me , it rely make me love u more and more because u make me feeling so much happy and joyful with me sweet Duangjai .
Pls honey don't forget to ask about the price of our family house because we pay and moving immediately as quickly as possible, and furniture our family house to my test and u make sure u move from were ur living to start staying with ur husband and plan future together with u in our home ,
Honey about the family house business we will buy like 5 or 6 apartment unit for u to take good care of it and ur 7/11 business in 2 different location as u want it okay , when I am with u I will like u and me to start buy more houses and keep it for 2 years before we sale it so that we make more money , I want to do anything with u legally because we are happy family and we don't want any problems with any one in our life that is is why I am always alone to avoid disappointment . And make u always listing to me and I will listing to u all the time in my life together with u . Honey we will get like more 2cars for our self and don't forget to send me ur marrege right prices too .
Thanks Ur faithful Roland Smith ur husband, bye.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From:"nat nat"
Date:Wed, 4 Mar, 2015 at 10:27 PM
Subject:FW: Our Family
I love you so much
From: nattamon1088@hotmail.com
To: smithroland831@yahoo.com
Subject: Our Family
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 21:16:31 +0700
My darling
I love you with all my heart and I want to marry you and have children with you. Wish we had lovely mind stable relationship. Last night I fell asleep. Because I have been working hard all day. I think work.
But this morning I felt bad. When I know you can't sleep because you waiting for me all night. But I fall asleep because of the fatigue from work
My darling, you know. You are the first man I love. Which I have never seen your face. And I don't speak English well. But you can understand my feelings for you how wonderful.
I promise that you're committed to having me as your wife, and we'll have a cute baby together. We will help each other, there is the family business management apartments for rent.
Because the domestic Thai There are many people who come from the provinces coming to work. Therefore, business apartments for rent is very popular. If we have good management, it will collect the rent at any one time as an investment and the end of the month, to keep the room rent. We are tired of performing for the first time, and it hired a maid, but. Water and electrical parts, electrical, plumbing, and the request of the State where the price will be, but we can determine the value per unit at a reasonable price and don't take advantage of people who come to rent a room.
I believe that if we manage business with integrity Our family will be advancement, prosperity and happiness forever.
Love you with all my heart
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 20:07:32 +0800
From: smithroland831@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: RE: I miss you
To: nattamon1088@hotmail.com
how are u doing hope ur fine and save for me , I rely love u with all my heart and u always make me happy witu u when ever I chat or talking with u I feel so much happy in my life and blood go's up and down . Love the way u undarstand me and I will always do my best for u as long as u care for me , honey I will be there all time and look at ur face and no what u want , ur the best for me I will honour and give u more respect because we have no easy other now sins November if am not mistaken honey , I want to plan good with u and thatnis what make me holiday with u because I don't want u to feel lonely why I am here for my precious wife , am so happy with u in my life and my mum always ask about u , if u rely love me I say yes and she is happy only she don't want to see me hurt agen honey because she knows how I feel if am hurt , and she rely rely want to talk with u honey , now I want to let u no about the family house in Rama 2 , yes I love the one I