The research used four methods to set up the credibility of this
qualitative research study (Lincolin & Guba, 1985). (1) Prolonged
involvement: empathic communication was used during each interview process, which took place following their 6 month consultation at the out-patient clinic.(2) Continuous observations: the interviewer has
worked in psychiatric wards for 14 years and has competent skills of
observation to assess participants' verbal (observe participant's verbal
volume, speed, intensity, style, and word meaning) and non-verbal
emotional reactions, and expression in their eyes and face) during and
after interviews in case any of the participants needed to return to the
out-patient clinic for follow-up. (3) Member checks: four participants
(two patient participants and two caregiver participants), whose typed
transcripts resulted in more emergent concepts than the others, were
invited to review all created concepts, categories and subcategories to
ensure that they were accurate representations of their experiences.(4)
Expertreview: two nursing professors who are proficient in GT research
reviewed all the created concepts, categories and subcategories to verify
that they corresponded with those of the researchers. In addition, the
researcher used an audit trail to set up the dependability of this
qualitative research study (Lincolin & Guba, 1985). A nursing professor
with experience in grounded theory acted as an auditor for purposes of
establishing levels of dependability and conformability. She checked all
research data including the transcripts, the concepts and categories of
data analysis, narrative exemplars, interview guide and final product.