3. Results of studies on environmental pollution
Cadmium and lead pollution indexes were analyzed every 5 years
between 1990 and 2005. In 1990, the highest levels of lead-related air
pollution, reaching 1490·10−9Gm−2 year−1, were observed in
highly urbanized areas at the junctions of numerous roads and in
the north-western part of the province (Fig. 3a). The permissible level
of 1000·10−9Gm−2 year−1 (Ordinance of the Minister of Environment,
2002) was exceeded by 50%. Most test results remained at the
average level (spatially dominating in this area) and below themaximum
permissible value. The lowest pollution level of 130·10−9Gm−2 year−1
was observed in peripheral parts of the province, far from larger towns
or cities.