The Chen Zhi Hao momentum is shocking, must kill Li Tian Yang evidently.
Nearby Jiang Chen frowns, Big Yellow Dog breaking sword also on the body of Li Tian Yang, if Chen Zhi Hao has killed Li Tian Yang, breaks the sword perhaps to with Li Tian Yang destroy together, that loss was big.
„Does not need to be worried, even if Li Tian Yang were destroyed, will break the sword to be also perfect.”
Big Yellow Dog incomparably self-confident saying.
hear [words/that], Jiang Chen then feels relieved that breaks the sword is a mysterious treasure, since Big Yellow Dog said is all right, that definitely is all right.
Being heavily engaged that Chen Zhi Hao and Li Tian Yang fierce combat again and again, hits, but Li Tian Yang ends up to turn out repeatedly leeward, at is not the Chen Zhi Hao match, soon, must die a tragic death evidently in the Chen Zhi Hao subordinate.
Nearby Asura Palace Hall Big Elder sees that in eye starts the twinkle weak ray, he has weighed, if also get rid, does not have what function, some side also Hei Ming Zi look, such being the case, might as well escapes simply directly.
Big Elder just had this idea, a form suddenly appears in his near, is not others, is Jiang Chen.
„Big Elder, wants to run away, you think that I will let off you?”
Ice-cold and taunt of Jiang Chen face, he had not forgotten that initially this old fogy and Li Tian Yang also had the Xiao Nan Feng three people to chase down itself, if were not the Big Yellow Dog final moment displays the sword to get rid to rescue, perhaps oneself died, this account, he was must calculate personally.
„Jiang Chen, you dare to keep off me, that is courts death.”
The Big Elder voice has not fallen, then suddenly makes a palm to attack Jiang Chen, he at heart still has a luck now, this Jiang Chen delivers on own initiative, was really good, so long as held Jiang Chen, can treat as to coerce by this, when the time comes not only can maintain a livelihood, but can also save the Li Tian Yang life.
It looks like in Big Elder, this Jiang Chen has really thought oneself infallible, thinks own talent, 7-Tier does Battle King want with the Battle Emperor resistance, that not to be courts death?