Jiang Chen laughs, even if facing six heavy plunders, has not dreaded, by his mortal body, sends lossless resistance front four Heavenly Tribulation sufficiently, but these four Heavenly Tribulation, sufficiently Asura Palace Hall destroying, escaped to go to by that time again, withstands final two Heavenly Tribulation, although he knows that like this makes the bad risk, Lei Jie the sound likely keeps him from thoroughly getting rid of the Asura Palace Hall master very much, but this is the only means at present.
Moreover, Jiang Chen also has using Lei Jie promotes own strength, here these Beastly King, under Heavenly Tribulation will become their tonic.
Also is sound of the thundering, a red thunder and lightning exudes the sound of roaring, just likes the waterfall same falls in torrents, throws toward Jiang Chen, Asura Palace Hall these masters suddenly also looked to stay, they have not experienced excessively true Heavenly Tribulation, many were somewhat curious.
But when first Lei Jie just descended, Jiang Chen also moved, his whole person just likes the wild and unconventional is the same, room escapes, fast will draw near perfect, suddenly rushed to side 5-Tier Battle King.
That 5-Tier Battle King has not responded that has initiated own disaster instantaneously, was given to submerge by the thunder, sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, thoroughly destroyed under the thunder, entire body by hard coke of deducting, entire scene pitiful to the extreme.
Other people call out in alarm hastily, then responded that looked just liked to Jiang Chen gaze sees the ghost to be the same, turned toward the rear area to retreat hastily.
„Ha Ha”
Jiang Chen laughs, he withstood a thunder to attack, probably the bystander was the same, Tiansheng Sword loafed in his side, above has covered entirely Lei Guang, the strength of these pure thunder and lightning unceasing passed toward the Tiansheng Sword endosmosis, not only quenchinged Tiansheng Sword, but also in Tan Lang by Tiansheng Sword was absorbed, Tan Lang was injured extremely seriously, wanted to restore to be too difficult, if can absorb the strength of some thunder, was without doubt huge to his help.
Tan Lang does not dare to neglect, he turns very quiet, adjusts best own condition, strength of introduction within the body thunder, quenchings the body and spirit little.
The second thunder and lightning forms quickly, may cut down to cut anytime, sees that Asura Palace Hall these Battle King masters did not have the least bit curious feeling again, looks at Jiang Chen, just likes sees the tiger to be the same simply.
„Removes, immediately withdraws the hell to be cold, this boy was a lunatic, the hell was unable to save coldly firmly.”
Liu Elder loud shouting, these Battle King master where have the half minute to hesitate, in their hands has to open the hell cold firm magical amulet, immediately opens the gateway, flew.
Facing this situation, Jiang Chen has not stopped, first he must deal with Heavenly Tribulation wholeheartedly, next, even if can kill some Battle King masters using Heavenly Tribulation, does not help matters, he wants to kill Xiao Nan Feng, is the incomparable difficulty, he after is 1-Tier Battle King, among the disparity with 9-Tier Battle King is not 1.2 points, Xiao Nan Feng is astute, on impossible own working as.