Each eligibility level entitles the applicant to an explicitly
defined monetary amount of services. Table 1
shows the amount of benefit for home care. In the
case of institutional care, about 1.4 times higher
amounts are set for each level. The recipient has to
pay 10% of the cost as co-payment. Theoretically,
users are free to choose services, but in reality, the
care-manager who constitutes a care plan, a weekly
time schedule of services, intervenes in this process
and co-ordinates the services for the applicant. Table
2 shows an example of a weekly care plan for the
user of care required level 5. To be a care-manager,
it is required to pass the official examination and to
receive a brief training.
The services covered by the LTCI scheme are as
● Home care: home help services, visiting nurse
services, visiting bathing service, visiting rehabilitation
services, etc
● Respite care: day care services, medical day care
services, short stay services
● Institutional care: nursing home, health service
facility for the aged (rehabilitation facility), and
geriatric ward under the LTCI scheme