6.1. This Contract supersedes all prior verbal and written communication, commitment, agreements. Any amendments to this contract must be in writing and verified by the signed consent of both parties to be valid and enforceable.
6.2. Party B is responsible for supplying all necessary documents for registration the Certificate of Investment within 01 month from the signing date.
6.3. After the Investment License is issued, the liability entity named in the Certificate of Investment will replace Party B in this Land leased contract. In that case two parties will re-sign the new Land lease contract in order to replace Party’s name of this contract.
6.4. This contract will become invalid in case Party B fails to make down payment within 30 days since this contract signing date.
6.5. This Contract is made into 04 English copies and 04 Vietnamese copies of equal value; each party keeps 02 copies of each language. This Contract is effective from the signing date and terminated when implementing the above Article 6.3.