The world turbulence, that strong Tianwei made all people fall into scared middle, Monster Beast or humanity, by far left here.
Jiang Chen gains ground slowly, looks to sky, sees that second red line to start to wriggle, suddenly turns into a giant Brontosaurus, this Brontosaurus compared with former that sturdy one time, the tertiary minor calamity, altogether arrive at three Heavenly Tribulation, together compared with together terrifying, this second Heavenly Tribulation, compared with first terrifying many.
Seven color electric lights interweave the creeping motion, just like spirit snakes, the sound that makes lets person creepy feeling, quick, Brontosaurus's gaze has locked Jiang Chen, is waving the sturdy stature, has killed.
All people look up to the sky, panic-stricken looks at that Brontosaurus, soon stopped including the breath, they do not doubt, if this Brontosaurus attacks his body, oneself will certainly relationship of form and spirit Ju Mie, the tragic death at the scene, definitely not have the second result.
Jiang Chen gaze like the torch, in the instance that Brontosaurus attacks, his gaze just likes the electricity glow same looks to violent Shan Xiong.
„It is not good.”
suddenly Shanxiong secret passage is not good, turns toward the distant place to fly to escape hastily to go, he looked at the Jiang Chen thoughts, if run slow, will march into the Yun Zhonghe footsteps.
Jiang Chen let somebody cool off or calm down said that his stature in a flash, changed into violent Shan Xiong who the light fired into together escapes to go to immediately, although suddenly Shanxiong was cultivation of Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage is, but Jiang Chen at this moment, although has not condensed thoroughly goes to battle comes spirit, but has been equal to the Battle Spirit Realm Initial Stage master, by his anomaly, suddenly Shanxiong is not his match, let alone in speed.
Brontosaurus overhead falls, pounds on violent mountain bear that was overtaken by Jiang Chen exactly, Brontosaurus ruptures instantaneously, changes into piece of Lei Wang, submerged Jiang Chen and suddenly Shanxiong.
Also is a sharp pitiful yell, when are not many, suddenly Shanxiong that huge stature, drops from the thunder king, already died a tragic death, split including the head, Monster Spirit was given to take forcefully.
The thunder and lightning wreaks havoc, the electric light twinkle, that thunder within the four seas spreads the sound of startling thunderclap unceasingly, how nobody saw inside white clothing youth, but the thunder was still moving unexpectedly restlessly, explained that the youth did not have the danger.
„Heaven, this was too terrifying.”
„Yes, really had opened mind today, Beastly King Palace Hall formidable Protector, died a tragic death unexpectedly in this manner, does not have including the ability of least bit revolt, where that white clothing youth is sacred, can inspire Heavenly Tribulation unexpectedly, but can also use the Heavenly Tribulation murder.”
„Who knows that but we really must thank him, if today does not have him, WuYang City does not know that will turn into any appearance, Miss Wu Ning Zhu truely was also dangerous.”
All people are during the shock that is unable to extricate oneself, if personally does not see, nobody believes all that absolutely at present sees, Human Race goes against heaven's will exists, like this was born, Divine Core Realm promotes Battle Spirit Realm on experience Heavenly Tribulation, such going against heaven's will monstruous talent, in entire Southern Continent historical, is the first appearance.
The time that this time continues compared with first time wants long many obviously, has lasted for several minutes, gradually vanishes, the white clothing youth appears in the view of people again, Jiang Chen at this moment, aura already somewhat scattered in disorder, the black hair is also disorderly incomparable, before the white clothing does not have was clean, clearly, under this second Heavenly Tribulation, he also received some injuries.