The general objectives of CRM systems are to collect data about customer interactions with
the firm (Nguyen, Sherif, Newby. 2007). They also state these points as more specific
Increased Customer Loyalty
Collecting all important information about a customer and having all the relevant data about
a customer‟s history readily available at all access points in the organization.
Superior information gathering and knowledge sharing
The CRM system updates the history of each customer as soon as an interaction occurs, no
matter how the interaction took place, whether it is through, Sales, Support or the web site.
Understanding customers
Analytical CRM can further be used to build predictions of trends and try to forecast
demand, as well as to better understand each individual customer and thus providing a better
offer to the customer.
Superior Service
Using information about customer‟s habits and interactions with the firm to offer relevant
products and services customized to each customer.