I just learned through an email from Justin Chando about this interesting update to Chalkup. The folks in Chalkup have finally made the move to Google Drive and created a seamless integration of Chalkup with Google Drive. Chalkup is a great web tool that allows teachers to create classes and share different study materials on a message board that students can access in real-time. Chalkup lets you post discussion prompts, add comments to discussions, distribute announcements and assignments and view files.
Some things that are unique to the Chalkup Google integration are:
Grade and annotate files inline with drawing, highlighting, and area comments
Use a custom Rubric and attach it right to the grade
Manages all Google Drive file permissions automatically
View Google Drive files without needing to go to Drive, and Students save any type of document to their own Drive
Real Discussions with nested comments.
Watch the video below to learn more about the integration of Chalkup and Google Drive: