The levels of suicidal ideation in adolescents have been reported not to be high in previous studies , that is ,a suicidal ideation score was 13.7 in the possible range of 0-90 and 3.5 in the possible range of 0-25 but differed according to age , gender , and ethnicity . Female gender has been reported to be a risk factor of suicidal ideation . Kim et al.(2006) also reported higher levels of suicidal ideation in females than in males among Korea adolescents in their study. reported higher levels of suicidal ideation in females than in males among Korea adolescents in their study. Yet, another study reported higher rate of suicide attempts and suicide ideation in male than in females adolescents. McGee Williams, and Nada – Raja (2001) suggested different pathways to suicidal ideation for male and females in their New Zealand study. Factors that influence suicidal ideation may differ according to the social structure , conceptualization of individual and gender roles ,support systems ,and conceptualization of death .