Short Answers
1. Compiler is a program that converts all source program to machine language before executes it. Interpreter is a program that converts a statement of a program to machine language before executes it.
Advantage of intepreter : when errors are found, it directly gives feedback to user. The disadvantage of it is that it runs slower than compiled progams.
2. The major benefit of OOP is that we can reuse and edit existing objects.
RAD enable users not to write the whole code for the whole program, instead, just by using the tools to create the objects of the program will give a great shortcut to the user in developing the program.
3. Integrated Development Environment includes tools for building graphical user interfaces, an editor for entering program code, a compiler and/or interpreter, and a debugger.
Visual Basic (VB) is used to create a complex task-oriented object-based system. Visual C++ is a programming languange which based on C++. Visual C# is a programming language that combines the C++ features, but with greater speed and efficiency.
4. XML is used to show different displays of certain websites on different devices, like PDA, tablets, smartphone, etc.
Two applications of XML are RSS 2.0 and ATOM. Both of them allow users to distribute their website's contents (either new or old ones) to their website's subscribers.
5. Two activities of documenting solution : (1) review the program code : to see wheter there are still unused codes that are making the program running slowly.
(2) review all the documentation : programmer gives all documentation to system analyst.
Proper documentation is important because it will help the programmer easier to debug in future and also can help new programmer to understand the program faster.