After the dragon one and Asura King walks, the attack of mystical place devil immediately slow, did not have the direction of Asura King, the attack that these mystical place devils fierce will not fear, even though they long for the flesh and blood, but will have scruples own surname life, four big clans **, even if the spent force, however draws over a hundred 80 mystical place devil pad backs before dying is not the difficult matter, but the Shenhai time powerhouse was fiercer, burns some Blood Essence , even can cut to kill several hundred in a big way, about thousand mystical place devils.
After the massive mystical place devils were cut kills, some mystical place devils start to give birth to the heart of retreating, finally simple unconsciousness loafs, even though still has to besiege four big clans ** role not awfully, but also makes their pressure quickly wane.
At this time, four big clans ** naturally was seizes the chance to run away outward, as for pursued Lin Ming, that completely was the words of cracking a joke, was not everyone looks like the dragon one to be so crazy.
„Cannot think that profited from another's strife, is laughable our casualties to be so serious, actually has become a joke!”
„Does not have the means that that unknown living thing covert was good, moreover speed is extremely quick, but can also escape the line, can achieve this step, itself also inevitably is the top player!”
In the final analysis, Lin Ming can profit from another's strife, closes right up against the primordial chaos space the covert effect, if otherwise Lin Ming kills to kill really in 100,000 mystical place devils, the energy of primordial chaos space slowly will also exhaust, let alone in these 100,000 mystical place devils also has demon one, demon two such sorcerers of 30,000 years, these fellows, were by the Xiao equal person anti-.
„Ok, do not go to think, the big chance, is corresponding the big risk, that dragon bone is not we can obtain, is constantly rigid, lost the surname life in vain, might as well take inventory the casualties, reorganizes the team, while also some time, perhaps also other harvests”
In Ancient Phoenix clan ** saying silently, but talks clearly casualties, their moods heavy, takes the Ancient Phoenix clan, before understood that lineup eight cores ** only remaining four, but by these Branch Palace that they discard ** is everything points to disaster, in other words, on the Ancient Phoenix clan can live now the next five people are Zaohua/Good Fortune.
Other three big clans, does not have many, this divine beast mystical place trial, enter 68 **, only the remaining 30 people, died most probably!
„Ended ended Lin Ming and Yan Yue feared that died”
Saying that Huo Renming is absentminded, fought a moment ago too intensely, he is unable to defend oneself, where will have the energy to rescue Lin Ming, now thinks that Lin Ming is Seventh Level Mingyun, in such fight, everything points to disaster.
At this time, in the dark bog deep place, the Lin Ming downward direct impact, penetrated underground thousand feet (333 m) to be deep, but he can actually feel that a gang of formidable god read covers on oneself, dense killing intent was nervous and uneasy!
Asura King chases after and never gives up!
„This Asura King, is really thorny!”
Lin Ming deeps frown, he discovered that oneself underestimate Asura King, Asura King perhaps could be equal in humanity Divine Transformation time Martial Artist the outstanding person, after swallowing supreme dragon bone Yuan Essence, it can perhaps compare the Bai Daohong first-class character, because even if crosses the demon disaster, it is at the weakest condition, by dragon first-grade antiquity Dragon Clan ** composes big to wound, is not Lin Ming can contend.
In the final analysis, is Lin Ming cultivation to be too low, can profit from another's strife by the primordial chaos space, now, once he exposes under the Asura King sensation, weakness that his strength is insufficient has exposed immediately.
Two thousand feet (333 m) and three thousand feet (333 m) to 1000 zhang (3.33 m)!
Lin Ming penetrated the underground 1000 zhang (3.33 m) depth at this time, but at this time, Lin Ming felt the resistance to multiply, 1000 zhang (3.33 m) deep underground, the pressure was enormous . Moreover the landform of bog mud to the end.
This dark bog does not know that accumulated many hundred million years, accumulated thousand zhang (3.33 m) depth, is in downward, because of the huge pressure, the bog was actually pressed the hard black congealing earth, the degree of hardness is not lower than the rock.
„Was bad!”
A Lin Ming brow wrinkle, opens Heretical God Force, even more crazy stimulation of movement primordial chaos space, black congealing earth by unceasing dissolution, behind piles up in Lin Ming, primordial chaos space even though was known as that annihilates all principles, but must have the force the Yuan makes the support.