„Yes, crown prince.”
Yang Yun does not dare to neglect, the stride arrives at the Shimen front, he revolves Yuan power, to Shimen is being bang a fist.
Everything may become vulnerable, the earth of under foot in fierce is shivering, that Shimen sends out the sad thunder, actually firm such as beginning, the Battle Spirit Realm Initial Stage fresh gate strikes, even if were a hill must be destroyed, now actually cannot open together Shimen, this made the human shock.
What is more important, Yang Yun this fist, not only has not destroyed Shimen, has not shaken including the foundation of Shimen.
„Good solid Shimen, at is not the brute force can open evidently.”
Some people call out in alarm one.
„Snort! Let me try.”
Wu Cong snort, he has lifted the palm slowly, makes together the radiant light beam loudly, has been shelling the past to Shimen.
The sound was fiercer than a moment ago, but unfortunately, Shimen as before does not have the least bit sound.
Wu Cong calls out in alarm one: „Strikes including this crown prince cannot break Shimen, in this ancient tower, has certainly the buried treasure.”
The Wu Cong voice just fell, only listens to ka the sound, the surface of Shimen, starts to fall down stone chips, presents nine hollow places, each hollow place has the palm of the hand size.
„Look, that is anything, probably is the switch.”
Shangguan Yi Long aims at Shimen with the hand.
At this time, all people gazed above gaze Shimen, saw on Shimen really to present nine chase each chases to have the palm of the hand size.
„The mark of this chase looks like the familiar appearance.”
Shangguan Yi Long frowns to say.
„Bronze medal.”
Wu Cong calls out in alarm one, his palm turns, the palm presents together the broken bronze medal, he is winning the bronze medal in hand to a chase has compared, really sees exactly the same.
„I know finally the function of scrap copper sign, originally turns on the key of this ancient tower.”
The Shangguan Yi Long palm turns, similarly also presents a bronze medal.
„Here also has one.”
Ling Du has also put out a bronze medal.
„Here has one.”
In the Wu Lang hand also has the same place, obtains in the life and death gate.
„My this also has one.”
In Martial Palace in a hand of young talent also bronze medal, on the scene, presented five bronze medals.
„In whose hand also has bronze medal, must open the front door of ancient tower, needs nine bronze medals, evidently is indispensable, in anyone of you hand has the bronze medal to take, any person who has the bronze medal, the buried treasure in ancient ancient tower, can obtain the most precious part.”
Wu Cong observes the situation, opens the mouth saying that they do not know before the bronze medal has anything to affect, now actually knew, but wants to open the ancient tower, must nine bronze medals simultaneously appeared good, presents the later five bronze medals, is unable to open the front door of ancient tower.
„In whose hand also has, with.”
Shangguan Yi Long turns round to look toward the people that this looks important, happen to does not see one behind not far away majestic incomparable Big Yellow Dog, side Big Yellow Dog two men.
„Big Yellow Dog.”
Shangguan Yi Long calls out in alarm one, was needless saying that at present a these two dog, was three bastards who they must seek for wholeheartedly.