Results (
Indonesian) 1:
Cara lain untuk menyerang masalah jawaban mungkin palsu adalah untuk mencoba untuk membuang mereka sama sekali. Dengan kata lain, seseorang dapat mencoba - dan filsuf telah mencoba – beberapa kebenaran, beberapa jawaban, yang tanpa keraguan dan di mana seluruh struktur pengetahuan dapat didasarkan. Ini telah menjadi jenis yang paling umum pendekatan Epistemologi antara filsuf. Kadang-kadang disebut epistemologis fondamentalisme. Itu didapat dengan masalah berat, namun.One problem is where to find the indubitable bases for our knowledge. A perennial candidate has been sense perception. But seeing should not always be believing, because it does not put us in direct touch with its objects. Perceptual illusions and hallucinations have been used as evidence to the contrary. With a modicum of ingenuity, a psychological experiment can even make us “see” impossible object. And even when no mistakes are involved, sense perception does not give us directly the information we spontaneously think that we receive from it. For instance, George Berkeley urged especially forcefully, our depth (three-dimensional) seeing cannot, geometrically speaking, be automatic but is inevitably constructed from different clues, such as an unconscious comparison between the images on the retinas of one’s two eyes. If anything, contemporary scientific study of perception has reinforced this indirectness and complexity of the process of sense perception, which makes its massages dependent on all sorts of different preconditions. For instance, according to one contemporary psychologist of perception, David Marr, the processing of visual information in the human central nervous system proceeds by stages. First, out of the visual input a primal sketch (as Marr calls it) is conctructed, in which edges, boundaries, and regions of the visual field are distinguished. From this a two-and-a-half dimensional representation is constructed in which surfaces and shapes relative to the viewer are included. Finally, from those perspectival representations a truly three-dimensioanal object-centered model (representation) is created, according to Marr. Even if his theory is not accepted by all scientists, competing accounts are likely to be even more complex. Needles to say, all the processes described by Marr are unconscious. All of them involve neural processing and hence can in principle go wrong. Thus visual perception does not put us in direct contact with reality and is not infallible. Even one of philosophers’ favorite example of sense qualities, color, is not a simple matterof registrations of the kind of light that hits one’s retina, but the end product of a complicated construction process in the brain.
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