he has golden Battle Spirit, moreover carried the primordial chaos has been the surname
The Lin Ming strength, was nearly perfect!
„Um? This is”
Senior Jin Jian makes the suddenly eye one bright, calls out in alarm, he discovered impressively, after the Fire Prison seventh innumerable scarlet rosy cloud energy breaks in the body of Lin Ming, repeatedly when breaks through the Lin Ming carrying capacity limit, his mortal body starts to present the decomposition the trend, this is because the Fire Prison seven red multi-colored sunlight have inspired the Lin Ming in vivo's energy, must thoroughly to breaking to pieces his mortal body!
This crosses the next Mingyun indication!
Actually, Lin Ming closed up in former Totem Tower, early several times had achieved to break through the Seventh Level Mingyun critical point, was only the opportunity is not very mature, has been suppressed by Lin Ming, is now, after Fire Prison seventh red multi-colored sunlight inspiring, Lin Ming within the body early the full energy actually really could not suppress!
Cannot suppress, then must erupt!
„Um? Can Lin Ming unexpectedly in this time broken Mingyun?”
„Truly, the strength of his within the body saved to limit, this Fire Prison stops to the pass, making Lin Ming cross Mingyun to say first again.”
Lin Ming enter Fire Prison seventh, has achieved obtained the phoenix Blood Essence standard, at the same time, Lin Ming I also truly arrived at limit, not too possibly again penetrated, to closing does not need to continue to work completely, now crosses Seventh Level Mingyun is the key.
„Also asked the Red Emperor senior to get rid, returned Lin Ming!” At this time, has guarded the fire spirit star the bailiff black wood to speak, Lin Ming such talent, crossed Mingyun unable to leave the accident in his fire spirit star, otherwise he may unable to take on, Lin Ming is the future has hopes to become the character of head of the clan enormously.
„Does not need, on Fire Prison seventh then, after crossing Mingyun, I Lin Ming will deliver, Jin Jian brat, hasn't the Xiang Hu girl, you promised some Lin Ming treasure respectively? Takes! Lin Ming crosses Mingyun, is the best time of fusion phoenix bloodline, black wooden brat, Lin Ming broke through Fire Prison seventh, itself can obtain many rewards, from three downward, five thousand Li (0.5 km) rewards one time, this emperor has taken responsibility for Lin Ming, what Saint and fire element totally does not want, changes into the same level value the phoenix bloodline, other stingy, all takes!”
„Ha! Good! Since the Red Emperor senior said that I and others naturally cannot stingy!” Senior Jin Jian causes to laugh, „before me, has said that so long as Lin Ming completes 600 people to cut in imaginary god, I bestowed his one to pass the armor of Tiansheng close, now looks like, this gadget really took does not get rid, I put out the blood of five drops of phoenix hearts!”
Senior Jin Jian causes as the regimental commander of law enforcement group, approves the blood of next five drops of phoenix hearts naturally is not the what issue.
„Monarch Xiang Hu, this you! You are our Phoenix Clan majordomo, cannot be mean-spirited!” Senior Jin Jian causes to look with a smile to Monarch Xiang Hu, before Monarch Xiang Hu has said that if Lin Ming completes 600 people to cut in imaginary god, on the blood of bestowing next three drops of phoenix hearts, but the light puts out these things naturally insufficiently to look now.
„Ha-ha!” Monarch Xiang Hu smiles tenderly, „my Xiang Hu has also represented Ministry of Interior, was responsible for mixing on the resources of Ancient Phoenix clan, even though these high-grade resources I cannot approve, but the ordinary resources, I was some authority dispatches, you put out the blood of five drops of phoenix hearts including Jin Jian, I cannot certainly be mean-spirited, I put out the blood of two drops of phoenix marrow, this thing was I approves, must walk the procedure, but today is the peculiar circumstance, said that on the replacement the procedure, should not have the issue.”
Blood of the drop of phoenix marrow, the value is almost equal to the blood of ten drops of phoenix hearts, the results of if in view of bloodline rich Martial Artist, blood of the drop of phoenix marrow producing are actually better than the blood of ten drops of phoenix hearts, Monarch Xiang Hu was equal to that put out the blood of 20 drops of phoenix hearts! If converts the blood of phoenix plume, is equal to 1000 drops!