Poor people performed the overwhelming bulk of the labor required to s translation - Poor people performed the overwhelming bulk of the labor required to s Indonesian how to say

Poor people performed the overwhelm

Poor people performed the overwhelming bulk of the labor required to support the economies of the Hellenistic kingdoms. Agriculture remained the economic base, and conditions for farmers and field workers changed little over time. Many of them worked on the huge agricultural estates belonging to the royal family, but city-states that retained their countrysides still had free peasants working small plots as well as larger farms belonging to wealthy landowners. Rural people rose early to begin work before the heat of the day, cultivating the same kinds of crops and animals as their
ancestors had with the same simple hand tools and beasts of burden. The level of technology was such that perhaps as many as 80 percent of all adult men and women, free as well as slave, had to work on the land to produce enough food to sustain the population. Along certain international routes, however, trade by sea did thrive. Tens of thousands of amphoras (large ceramicjars used to transport commoditiessuch as olive oil and wine) made on the Greek island of Rhodes, for example, have been found in Ptolemaic Egypt.Consortiurnsof foreign merchants turned the Aegean island of Delos
into a busy transportation hub for the cross-shipping of goods, such as the ten thousand slaves a day the port could handle. In the cities, poor women and men could work as small merchants, peddlers, and artisans producing goods such as tools, pottery, clothing, and furniture. Men could sign on as deck hands on the merchant ships that sailed the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans in pursuit of profits from trade.
In the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, a large section of the rural population existed in a state of dependency between free and slave. The "peoples," as they were called, farmed the estates belonging to the king, who was the kingdom's greatest landowner.The king theoretically claimed title to all his kingdom's land because it had been, following Alexander's terminology of conquest, "won by the spear," but in practice he ceded much territory to cities, temples, and favored individuals. The peoples were not landowners but compulsory tenants. Although they could not be sold like chattel slaves, they were not allowed to move away or abandon their tenancies. They had to pay a certain quota of produce per area of land to the king like rent to a landlord.The rent was sufficiently heavy that the "peoples"had virtually no chance to improve their economic lot in life.
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Poor people performed the overwhelming bulk of the labor required to support the economies of the Hellenistic kingdoms. Agriculture remained the economic base, and conditions for farmers and field workers changed little over time. Many of them worked on the huge agricultural estates belonging to the royal family, but city-states that retained their countrysides still had free peasants working small plots as well as larger farms belonging to wealthy landowners. Rural people rose early to begin work before the heat of the day, cultivating the same kinds of crops and animals as theirancestors had with the same simple hand tools and beasts of burden. The level of technology was such that perhaps as many as 80 percent of all adult men and women, free as well as slave, had to work on the land to produce enough food to sustain the population. Along certain international routes, however, trade by sea did thrive. Tens of thousands of amphoras (large ceramicjars used to transport commoditiessuch as olive oil and wine) made on the Greek island of Rhodes, for example, have been found in Ptolemaic Egypt.Consortiurnsof foreign merchants turned the Aegean island of Delosinto a busy transportation hub for the cross-shipping of goods, such as the ten thousand slaves a day the port could handle. In the cities, poor women and men could work as small merchants, peddlers, and artisans producing goods such as tools, pottery, clothing, and furniture. Men could sign on as deck hands on the merchant ships that sailed the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans in pursuit of profits from trade.In the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, a large section of the rural population existed in a state of dependency between free and slave. The "peoples," as they were called, farmed the estates belonging to the king, who was the kingdom's greatest landowner.The king theoretically claimed title to all his kingdom's land because it had been, following Alexander's terminology of conquest, "won by the spear," but in practice he ceded much territory to cities, temples, and favored individuals. The peoples were not landowners but compulsory tenants. Although they could not be sold like chattel slaves, they were not allowed to move away or abandon their tenancies. They had to pay a certain quota of produce per area of land to the king like rent to a landlord.The rent was sufficiently heavy that the "peoples"had virtually no chance to improve their economic lot in life.
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Orang miskin dilakukan sebagian besar dari tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung ekonomi kerajaan Helenistik. Pertanian tetap basis ekonomi, dan kondisi bagi petani dan pekerja lapangan berubah sedikit dari waktu ke waktu. Banyak dari mereka bekerja di perkebunan pertanian besar milik keluarga kerajaan, tetapi negara-kota yang mempertahankan desa-desa mereka masih memiliki petani bebas bekerja petak kecil serta peternakan besar milik pemilik tanah kaya. Masyarakat pedesaan bangun pagi untuk mulai bekerja sebelum panas hari, budidaya jenis yang sama dari tanaman dan hewan mereka
nenek moyang telah dengan alat-alat tangan sederhana yang sama dan binatang beban. Tingkat teknologi adalah seperti bahwa mungkin sebanyak 80 persen dari semua pria dan wanita dewasa, gratis serta budak, harus bekerja di darat untuk menghasilkan makanan yang cukup untuk mempertahankan populasi. Sepanjang rute internasional tertentu, bagaimanapun, perdagangan melalui laut tidak berkembang. Puluhan ribu amphoras (ceramicjars besar digunakan untuk mengangkut commoditiessuch minyak zaitun dan anggur) yang dibuat di pulau Yunani Rhodes, misalnya, telah ditemukan di Ptolemaic Egypt.Consortiurnsof pedagang asing berbalik pulau Aegean dari Delos
menjadi hub transportasi sibuk untuk cross-pengiriman barang, seperti sepuluh ribu budak hari pelabuhan bisa menangani. Di kota-kota, perempuan dan laki-laki miskin bisa bekerja pedagang kecil, pedagang, dan pengrajin memproduksi barang seperti alat-alat, tembikar, pakaian, dan furniture. Pria bisa mendaftar sebagai tangan dek di kapal dagang yang berlayar Mediterania dan Samudra India dalam mengejar keuntungan dari perdagangan.
Dalam Seleucid dan Ptolemaic kerajaan, bagian besar dari penduduk pedesaan ada dalam keadaan ketergantungan antara bebas dan budak. The "bangsa," sebagaimana mereka disebut, bertani perkebunan milik raja, yang merupakan kerajaan raja landowner.The terbesar teoritis merebut gelar ke seluruh tanah kerajaannya karena sudah, berikut terminologi Alexander penaklukan, "dimenangkan oleh tombak, "tetapi dalam prakteknya ia menyerahkan banyak wilayah untuk kota, kuil, dan individu disukai. Orang-orang yang tidak pemilik tanah tapi penyewa wajib. Meskipun mereka tidak bisa dijual seperti budak budak, mereka tidak diizinkan untuk pindah atau meninggalkan tenancies mereka. Mereka harus membayar kuota tertentu produksi per luas lahan untuk raja seperti sewa untuk sewa landlord.The itu cukup berat bahwa "bangsa" telah hampir tidak ada kesempatan untuk memperbaiki nasib ekonomi mereka dalam kehidupan.
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