My day? all day work with modeling clay and 3ds models xD
I am looking for a girl to be mine (which doesn't mean i want a pet). Nothing else.
If you want to contact me, you have to match the WHOLE list below.
Be honest.
Be smart.
Be pervy (with me).
Be horny (with me).
Enjoy good stuff (especially music).
Use Skype regularly.
Don't be mainstream.
Don't disappear after a couple of days/weeks/months.
Don't oblige me to harass you so that we can talk.
Don't be shy / easily shocked.
Don't be afraid of arguing.
Don't contact me only to comment on my profile / my pic.
=>I don't give a sh*t about your opinion, this website is not Facebook !
Don't contact me to ask me to be your friend.
=> I am not looking for friends !
Don't contact me to ask me why i keep visiting your profile.
=> I'm f*cking bored, so i browse many many many profiles.
Don't contact me to me to tell me i'm such a jerk that i'll never find a girl.
=> I've already found some in the past, so i guess i can find one again.
Don't contact me to ask me if i've already found the girl i was looking for.
=> If i had found her, i guess i wouldn't be here anymore...
Don't contact me to ask me why i am here if i'm not looking for friends.
=> See "Looking for" section, you blind b*tch !
Don't contact me to thank me because i visited your profile.
=> It's not a favor i did to you, for God's sake !
Don't contact me only to say "Hi !" or "Hi, how are you ?".
=> If you have "so many interesting things to say", you'd better shut up.
Don't contact me because you're bored and need some entertainment.
=> "Clown" is not written on my forehead. Or anywhere else...
Don't contact me if your requests are something like "I want to make friends from all over the world.", "Everybody nice / funny is welcome