The Effects of Technology-Enhanced Anchored Instruction and Situated Learning on Preservice Teachers in a Special Education Methods Course: An Exploratory Study
John Langone1,2
This study measured the effects of a technology innovation termed anchored instruction or integrated media on the quality of examples used by students to support their answers on essay tests. Potential affects of anchored instruction on the ability of the students to remember examples of teaching strategies and student satisfaction were also measured. Results suggest the anchored instruction improves the quality of work for those students who received "B's" and "C's" in the course, but had little effect for those receiving "A's." Student satisfaction relating to the anchored instruction was high. A focused interview of four of the 13 students who participated was conducted after student teaching. The information from these students suggests that the anchored instruction helped them to maintain the visual images over time and to better understand the instructional strategies learned during the course.
Situated cognition as a psychological construct has received considerable attention in the literature over the past 10 years. Notable authors such as Brown et al. (1989) and Lave (1988) argue that learning should take place in realistic settings and under the guidance of "experts." These experts can provide learners with the knowledge to solve problems and the cultural indoctrination necessary to be successful in certain environments. Proponents view situated cognition as
1The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-7153. 2Address correspondence to Dr. John Langone, 573 Aderhold Hall, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-7153.
KEY WORDS: anchored instruction; integrated media; visual images