Hello Again,
I'd like to say thanks for writing me back and giving me your e-mail. I really appreciate it. It felt so good talking to you. Well, I feel its right to introduce myself first of all, before we can go any further. It's always really difficult to start a conversation especially when you know its with someone that just might become special and you don't want to put a foot in the wrong direction. I don't know how to start but please feel free to ask me for any information you feel I left out. So I'll tell you a about myself.
My name is MURPHY NAISMITH. I am 45 years old,(my birthday is NOVEMBER 25TH) and a widower. I am an Archaeologist, I find Rare Artifacts and Crafty works of art. I travel to different parts of the world to acquire them and then bring them back home, where i sell them. I love my job and I hope you would also.and so I travel a lot... I can't say I like to travel but if it was for pleasure maybe it would be a lot nicer.
I was married but I lost my wife about 4 years ago. She died of Cervical Cancer. I have a Son, his name is ALEXANDER, but I call him ALEX. He is 9 YEARS OLD (HIS BIRTHDAY IS NOVEMBER 21ST) and lives with me. We live in the city of Bradford, here in the UK. We are always together because we are all alone in this world now. I was the only child of my parents and they are deceased now. I love watching movies, writing and reading poetry. I actually started writing when I was a teenager. I also like cooking (looking forward to teasing you with one of my favorite recipes...hopefully if we get along)...smiles...
I just love having a good time and living life to its fullest. So tell me a little about you? what is your job all about? what do you do for fun? and all that kinda stuff. How long have you been on the site - DATEINASIA.COM? Have you been on another dating site? What have been your experiences? Have you met anyone before. Tell me more.... please...and anything that would help me get to know you better.
I am new on website dating and I am looking to meet that special Asian lady and see what the future holds. I was told about DATEINASIA.COM. I went to supply some Artifacts to a museum there and the Orator introduced me to his wife who is an Asian lady. I was so impressed with her, she was so caring and homely and she took very good care of Alex and I, so I decided to try for myself and see if I could find my own special Asian woman. I believe that in you, I have found one and I want us to get to know ourselves very well.
I promise you if everything goes on well, we will be together soon because right now, my goal is having a complete family and I will go to great lengths to see that come to pass.
I am not here to mess up with your head, heart, play games or tricks, I am very contented with what I achieved in my life and I do not waste my time on mere frivolities. I have set out to find a wife for myself and a mother for my Son and that is what I am here for. I am not here to make more friends or pen-pals. I love my Son so much, he is the only one I have left and all I do is for him. If you are comfortable with that, it would be an honor to have you in our lives. If not, then please tell me immediately.
Please send me some pictures of you to me. I would send mine to you in my next email too and also tell you more about myself. I would look forward to reading from you and hopefully we could have a long lasting relationship filled with love and happiness.
I'm so sorry for the very long email, I just want you to understand me and where I am coming from and so I just had to tell you everything I could remember, plus, when I start writing I usually just let it flow.
Hope to read from you soon
Take loads of care.