53900:57:12,917 --> 00:57:16,061He must have had a talk with Daedeung  translation - 53900:57:12,917 --> 00:57:16,061He must have had a talk with Daedeung  Indonesian how to say

53900:57:12,917 --> 00:57:16,061He

00:57:12,917 --> 00:57:16,061
He must have had a talk with Daedeung Eulje.

00:57:17,087 --> 00:57:20,886
He must have agreed to exchange
Deokman's head for a national marriage.

00:57:22,208 --> 00:57:25,560
Even if there was an agreement
between Lord Eulje and Lord Seohyeon....

00:57:25,680 --> 00:57:27,811
You know very well,
that's not how the princess feels.

00:57:27,931 --> 00:57:29,603
I do know....

00:57:29,961 --> 00:57:32,662
But please take my feelings into consideration.

00:57:32,782 --> 00:57:37,893
I am a person who is unable to do things
that are different from what's in my heart.

00:58:41,868 --> 00:58:44,222
Damn, they're like rats.

00:58:54,645 --> 00:58:55,471
How is it?

00:58:56,411 --> 00:58:57,440
They are everywhere.

00:58:58,015 --> 00:59:01,451
It's the same over there.
So for now, let's go that way.

00:59:26,432 --> 00:59:27,435
How does it look?

00:59:27,755 --> 00:59:31,505
They're spread throughout the mountain side
in groups of six.

00:59:31,925 --> 00:59:36,155
Every group seems to be carrying with them
a bag filled with rabbit's feces.

00:59:36,275 --> 00:59:39,769
They must be planning to use it to send up
a smoke signal once we are discovered.

00:59:39,889 --> 00:59:41,329
Have you asked Bidam for directions?

00:59:41,449 --> 00:59:42,788
Yes, Sir.

00:59:46,779 --> 00:59:52,266
He said this lake would be the best way.
So, this road would be the shortest way.

00:59:54,160 --> 00:59:55,628
Since the forest is dark by nature,

00:59:55,748 --> 00:59:57,777
they will have a hard time finding your location,

00:59:57,897 --> 01:00:01,615
and also, even if you were to be discovered,
they won't be able to find you that easily.

01:00:01,735 --> 01:00:04,072
Then, has the boat been prepared?

01:00:04,192 --> 01:00:08,676
Yes. I've already sent the money,
so they will bring the boat to the lake.

01:00:09,213 --> 01:00:12,309
And on the road they are headed for,
the order has been given.

01:00:12,429 --> 01:00:14,203
Very good.

01:00:15,854 --> 01:00:18,489
You guys take that road passage and block the path.

01:00:18,609 --> 01:00:19,871
Yes, Ma'am.

01:00:26,663 --> 01:00:31,838
Even so, we must find a solution that
ensures they aren't discovered.

01:02:13,940 --> 01:02:17,563
Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

01:02:17,683 --> 01:02:21,727
This is a FREE fansub. NOT for SALE!
Get it for FREE @ withs2.com

01:02:21,847 --> 01:02:26,556
Translator: plegend2007

01:02:26,676 --> 01:02:30,652
Timer: julier

01:02:30,772 --> 01:02:35,014
Editor/QC: songbill

01:02:35,310 --> 01:02:39,056
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

01:02:39,676 --> 01:02:41,710
Daenambo is chasing Deokman.

01:02:41,830 --> 01:02:43,548
They are inside there.

01:02:43,668 --> 01:02:45,344
Something has happened...

01:02:45,464 --> 01:02:48,492
Something big must have happened!

01:02:52,425 --> 01:02:53,889
It's dangerous!
Run away!

01:02:54,009 --> 01:02:56,651
What do I do?
How can I save her?

01:02:58,784 --> 01:03:01,151
What are you saying?

01:03:01,271 --> 01:03:03,033
Who did you say has died?

01:03:03,350 --> 01:03:04,935
Are you insulting the king?

01:03:05,055 --> 01:03:07,406
Things like this have never happened to us before.

01:03:07,526 --> 01:03:10,280
A major crisis will now surely come our way.

01:03:10,700 --> 01:03:12,065
You wench!

01:03:12,385 --> 01:03:16,567
Without any thought, fear, or remorse...
you had her killed!

01:03:21,430 --> 01:03:23,439
The final will that was left by my sister....

01:03:23,459 --> 01:03:24,769
I can't follow her wishes.

01:03:24,889 --> 01:03:26,615
No, I just refuse.
From: -
To: -
Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
53900:57:12,917 --> 00:57:16,061He must have had a talk with Daedeung Eulje.54000:57:17,087 --> 00:57:20,886He must have agreed to exchangeDeokman's head for a national marriage.54100:57:22,208 --> 00:57:25,560Even if there was an agreementbetween Lord Eulje and Lord Seohyeon....54200:57:25,680 --> 00:57:27,811You know very well,that's not how the princess feels.54300:57:27,931 --> 00:57:29,603I do know....54400:57:29,961 --> 00:57:32,662But please take my feelings into consideration.54500:57:32,782 --> 00:57:37,893I am a person who is unable to do thingsthat are different from what's in my heart.54600:58:41,868 --> 00:58:44,222Damn, they're like rats.54700:58:54,645 --> 00:58:55,471How is it?54800:58:56,411 --> 00:58:57,440They are everywhere.54900:58:58,015 --> 00:59:01,451It's the same over there.So for now, let's go that way.55000:59:26,432 --> 00:59:27,435How does it look?55100:59:27,755 --> 00:59:31,505They're spread throughout the mountain sidein groups of six.55200:59:31,925 --> 00:59:36,155Every group seems to be carrying with thema bag filled with rabbit's feces.55300:59:36,275 --> 00:59:39,769They must be planning to use it to send upa smoke signal once we are discovered.55400:59:39,889 --> 00:59:41,329Have you asked Bidam for directions?55500:59:41,449 --> 00:59:42,788Yes, Sir.55600:59:46,779 --> 00:59:52,266He said this lake would be the best way.So, this road would be the shortest way.55700:59:54,160 --> 00:59:55,628Since the forest is dark by nature,55800:59:55,748 --> 00:59:57,777they will have a hard time finding your location,55900:59:57,897 --> 01:00:01,615and also, even if you were to be discovered,they won't be able to find you that easily.56001:00:01,735 --> 01:00:04,072Then, has the boat been prepared?56101:00:04,192 --> 01:00:08,676Yes. I've already sent the money,so they will bring the boat to the lake.56201:00:09,213 --> 01:00:12,309And on the road they are headed for,the order has been given.56301:00:12,429 --> 01:00:14,203Very good.56401:00:15,854 --> 01:00:18,489You guys take that road passage and block the path.56501:00:18,609 --> 01:00:19,871Yes, Ma'am.56601:00:26,663 --> 01:00:31,838Even so, we must find a solution thatensures they aren't discovered.56701:02:13,940 --> 01:02:17,563Brought to you by WITH S2Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad56801:02:17,683 --> 01:02:21,727This is a FREE fansub. NOT for SALE!Get it for FREE @ withs2.com56901:02:21,847 --> 01:02:26,556Translator: plegend200757001:02:26,676 --> 01:02:30,652Timer: julier57101:02:30,772 --> 01:02:35,014Editor/QC: songbill57201:02:35,310 --> 01:02:39,056Coordinators: mily2, ay_link57301:02:39,676 --> 01:02:41,710Daenambo is chasing Deokman.57401:02:41,830 --> 01:02:43,548They are inside there.57501:02:43,668 --> 01:02:45,344Something has happened...57601:02:45,464 --> 01:02:48,492Something big must have happened!57701:02:52,425 --> 01:02:53,889It's dangerous!Run away!57801:02:54,009 --> 01:02:56,651What do I do?How can I save her?57901:02:58,784 --> 01:03:01,151What are you saying?58001:03:01,271 --> 01:03:03,033Who did you say has died?58101:03:03,350 --> 01:03:04,935Are you insulting the king?58201:03:05,055 --> 01:03:07,406Things like this have never happened to us before.58301:03:07,526 --> 01:03:10,280A major crisis will now surely come our way.58401:03:10,700 --> 01:03:12,065You wench!58501:03:12,385 --> 01:03:16,567Without any thought, fear, or remorse...you had her killed!58601:03:21,430 --> 01:03:23,439The final will that was left by my sister....58701:03:23,459 --> 01:03:24,769I can't follow her wishes.58801:03:24,889 --> 01:03:26,615No, I just refuse.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
00: 57: 12.917 -> 00: 57: 16.061
Dia pasti telah berbicara dengan anggota dewan Eulje. 540 00: 57: 17.087 -> 00: 57: 20.886 Dia pasti setuju untuk bertukar kepala Deokman untuk pernikahan nasional . 541 00: 57: 22.208 -> 00: 57: 25.560 Bahkan jika ada kesepakatan antara Tuhan dan Tuhan Eulje Seohyeon .... 542 00: 57: 25.680 -> 00: 57: 27.811 Anda tahu dengan sangat baik, itu bukan bagaimana sang putri merasa. 543 00: 57: 27.931 -> 00: 57: 29.603 Saya tahu .... 544 00: 57: 29.961 -> 00: 57: 32.662 Tapi mohon perasaan saya ke dalam pertimbangan. 545 00: 57: 32.782 -> 00: 57: 37.893 Saya orang yang tidak mampu melakukan hal-hal yang berbeda dengan apa yang ada di hati saya. 546 00: 58: 41.868 -> 00: 58: 44.222 Sial, mereka sedang seperti tikus. 547 00: 58: 54.645 -> 00: 58: 55.471 Bagaimana? 548 00: 58: 56.411 -> 00: 58: 57.440 Mereka ada dimana-mana. 549 00: 58: 58.015 -> 00: 59: 01.451 Ini sama di sana. Jadi untuk saat ini, mari kita pergi ke arah sana. 550 00: 59: 26.432 -> 00: 59: 27.435 Bagaimana cara melihat? 551 00: 59: 27.755 -> 00: 59: 31.505 Mereka tersebar di seluruh sisi gunung dalam kelompok enam. 552 00: 59: 31.925 -> 00: 59: 36.155 Setiap kelompok tampaknya akan membawa dengan mereka. tas penuh dengan kotoran kelinci 553 00:59: 36.275 -> 00: 59: 39.769 Mereka harus berencana untuk menggunakannya untuk mengirim sinyal asap setelah kami ditemukan. 554 00: 59: 39.889 -> 00: 59: 41.329 Apakah Anda meminta Bidam untuk arah? 555 00 : 59: 41.449 -> 00: 59: 42.788 Ya, Sir. 556 00: 59: 46.779 -> 00: 59: 52.266 Dia mengatakan danau ini akan menjadi cara terbaik. Jadi, jalan ini akan menjadi cara terpendek. 557 00: 59: 54.160 -> 00: 59: 55.628 Karena hutan gelap oleh alam, 558 00: 59: 55.748 -> 00: 59: 57.777 mereka akan memiliki waktu sulit menemukan lokasi Anda, 559 00:59 : 57897 -> 01: 00: 01.615 dan juga, bahkan jika Anda harus ditemukan, mereka tidak akan dapat menemukan Anda dengan mudah. ​​560 01: 00: 01.735 -> 01: 00: 04.072 Kemudian, memiliki perahu disusun? 561 01: 00: 04.192 -> 01: 00: 08.676 Ya. Aku sudah mengirim uang, sehingga mereka akan membawa perahu ke danau. 562 01: 00: 09.213 -> 01: 00: 12.309 Dan di jalan mereka menuju,. Perintah telah diberikan 563 01: 00: 12.429 -> 01: 00: 14.203 yang sangat baik. 564 01: 00: 15.854 -> 01: 00: 18.489 Kalian mengambil bagian jalan dan memblokir jalan. 565 01: 00: 18.609 -> 01: 00: 19.871 Ya, Bu. 566 01: 00: 26.663 -> 01: 00: 31.838 Meskipun demikian, kita harus menemukan solusi yang memastikan mereka tidak ditemukan. 567 01: 02: 13.940 -> 01: 02: 17.563 Dibawa ke anda oleh DENGAN S2 Ditulis Dalam Surga subbing Squad 568 01: 02: 17.683 -> 01: 02: 21.727 Ini adalah fansub GRATIS. ! TIDAK untuk SALE Dapatkan GRATIS @ withs2.com 569 01: 02: 21.847 -> 01: 02: 26.556 Penterjemah: plegend2007 570 01: 02: 26.676 -> 01: 02: 30.652 Timer: Julier 571 01:02 : 30772 -> 01: 02: 35.014 Editor / QC: songbill 572 01: 02: 35.310 -> 01: 02: 39.056 Koordinator: mily2, ay_link 573 01: 02: 39.676 -> 01: 02: 41.710 Daenambo adalah . mengejar Deokman 574 01: 02: 41.830 -> 01: 02: 43.548 Mereka berada di dalam sana. 575 01: 02: 43.668 -> 01: 02: 45.344 Sesuatu telah terjadi ... 576 01: 02: 45.464 - > 01: 02: 48.492 Sesuatu yang besar pasti terjadi! 577 01: 02: 52.425 -> 01: 02: 53.889 Ini berbahaya! Lari! 578 01: 02: 54.009 -> 01: 02: 56.651 Apa yang saya lakukan ? Bagaimana saya bisa menyelamatkannya? 579 01: 02: 58.784 -> 01: 03: 01.151 Apa yang kau katakan? 580 01: 03: 01.271 -> 01: 03: 03.033? Siapa yang kau katakan telah meninggal 581 01: 03: 03.350 -> 01: 03: 04.935 Apakah Anda menghina raja? 582 01: 03: 05.055 -> 01: 03: 07.406 Hal seperti ini tidak pernah terjadi kepada kami sebelum. 583 01: 03: 07.526 -> 01: 03: 10.280 Sebuah krisis besar akan sekarang pasti datang dengan cara kami. 584 01: 03: 10.700 -> 01: 03: 12.065 Anda dara! 585 01: 03: 12.385 -> 01: 03: 16.567 Tanpa berpikir apapun, ketakutan, atau penyesalan ... kau membunuhnya! 586 01: 03: 21.430 -> 01: 03: 23.439 Kemauan terakhir yang ditinggalkan oleh kakak saya .... 587 01: 03: 23.459 -> 01: 03: 24.769 Saya tidak bisa mengikuti keinginannya. 588 01: 03: 24.889 -> 01: 03: 26.615 Tidak, saya hanya menolak.

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