Results (
Arabic) 1:
- 21 -The upper half of table 3 presents the correlations of the systems approach in relation to the otherconstructs of this study. Surprisingly, the above correlations show that actual HPWS (AHPWS) doesnot correlate (significantly) with unit performance. Climate for efficiency and climate for innovationwere significantly related; with a moderate correlation coefficient of 0.561. Perceived HPWS(PHPWS) was significantly correlated with climate for innovation (r = .402), no significant correlationwere found between perceived HPWS and climate for efficiency.The lower half shows the correlation coefficients of HR practices (actual and perceived) in relation toboth climate types and unit performance. The correlation table shows that actual HPWS and perceivedHPWS have a correlation coefficient of -.563 (p<0.01). These correlation coefficients confirm thatactual and perceived HR are related as assumed by Wright and Nishii (2006). Other studies also foundhigh correlations between HR reported by line managers and HR reported by employees (e.g. Liao etal, 2009). Higher correlations were found between actual HR practices and the corresponding actualHPWS compared to perceived HR practices and perceived HPWS and vice versa. Besides, significantcorrelations were found between the same four actual and perceived HR practices. Only actual HRselectivity in hiring does not have a significant correlation with perceived HR selectivity in hiring.Perceived HR practices were also significantly correlated to climate for innovation except forperceived HR selectivity in hiring. Perceived HR performance evaluation was the only HR practicehaving a significant correlation with climate for efficiency.
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