Shangguan Yi Long both eyes torching: „That dogs and another two bastards, must tear to shreds it.”
„Shangguan Yi Long, that Jiang Chen has to strike to kill the Shangguan Yi Lei strength now, although you are fiercer than Shangguan Yi Lei, but meets Jiang Chen, perhaps not necessarily is the match.”
Ling Du opens the mouth to say.
„Snort! That Jiang Chen is just depends upon the efficacious medicine will repair to promote forcefully, cultivation not to be unstable, I must kill him, easy.”
Shangguan Yi Long cold snort.
„Added that many to do, hurries to pursue, the boy walked in front of us, must wait till any advantage, once repaired to promote once more, even if we united, was very also difficult killing Jiang Chen.”
Ling Du pupil optical scintillation, opens the mouth to say.
„Martial Palace these talent characters wanted to appear quickly, by us and Martial Palace origin, they will help us surely, must kill Jiang Chen.”
Shangguan Yi Long said.
„That is natural, I now am the Martial Palace disciple.”
Ling Du said that mentioned the Martial Palace disciple four characters, on his face reappeared proudly, indeed, can practice to Martial Palace that is unable to conceal, was in itself an incomparable glory matter, belonged arrogantly normally.
„Pursues, must kill Jiang Chen four.”
Shangguan Yi Long clenches jaws, the group across the hanging garden, turn toward the front to speed along to go directly.
At this time, Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog et al. have passed through the white fog, in front that the white fog went, suddenly presented two gateways.
These two gateways emerge out of thin air probably, stands erect in the front, the gateway is opening wide, inside spreads the different aura.
In the place above of gateway, is fluttering two large characters, one is the golden color 【Lives】 The character, another is scarlet 【Dies】 Character.
„Life and death gate, this indicates that one is the way out, one is a blind alley?”
Han Yan gaze falls above these two gateways, when he carefully observes lives the gate, seriously can feel that a full of vitality aura from flutters, making people completely relaxed.
When Han Yan observes that dead gate, immediately incomparably gloomy feelings, he even can see in the dead gate to have Yin Spirit to flutter, incomparable scary.
„Mother, must choose.”
„This also with choice? Definitely enters the fresh gate, that dead gate was too fearful, the distance such can feel the strong death air/Qi, if entered, must die not entire corpse.”
„Is uncertain, this Iceland strange very much, lives the gate not necessarily to live, the dead gate not necessarily does not die.”