12.2 Spot-check
• Spot checking is an important part of the item control process in that it provides regular verification of the physical presence of items listed on the Inventory Assets Tracking Database M-Pulse and identifies discrepancies between the items physically held and the Inventory Assets Tracking Database M-Pulse. Monthly Regular spot-checking also permits enhanced control over items, assets, equipment and other property of a sensitive nature. Items of a sensitive nature may be so categorized because of their attractiveness, value or operational criticality. Although MAIL spot check procedure will be produced and issued by the main store, sub account holders, departments, premises and all the related directorates can also produce and conduct spot-checks.
• At the end of each month, MAIL's inventory officials will provide a list of assets from M-Pulse to each of the office Assistants "Khana Saman" of each directorates who will verify all the assets located with the end-users, department related to their directorates. Once confirmed and verified all the property and equipment, the Khana Saman will sing the Assets list and will send it back to the Admin Inventory directorate.
• Inventory Admin directorate officials will update the Inventory Assets Tracking database accordingly.