Nangong Wen Tian and Han Yan et al. angers, not only has not made Shangguan hawk feel that slight ashamed and illness, the mood is instead more comfortable, looks like in Shangguan hawk, the opposite party is angry, fears on the representative, is afraid itself.
That type makes the enemy have the feeling of frightened fear thoughts, is very comfortable, Shangguan Ying enjoys several people of such facial expressions, in his eyes, at present these people are the dead pigeons, is own it's in the bag, his will not let off, must extinguish kills, particularly Jiang Chen, after must suffer well turns, can kill, otherwise, is really unfair to the grandson who oneself died.
„Jie Jie, Jiang Chen, looked today you also had any method to run away the palm of old man, you must die today, must die was very miserable, with Shangguan Clan for the fate of enemy, was always only this.”
Shangguan Ying smiling face is very gloomy, because he really cannot think, at present these juniors have any method to run away, in this most formidable was Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen can cut to kill the Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage master, but met existence of oneself this Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage, did not have the least bit opportunity.
„Ha Ha, Shangguan Ying, you believes firmly really can kill us?”
Jiang Chen does not get angry instead smiles, where on face has the least bit tense color.
Solely is not Jiang Chen, the face of Han Yan and on Nangong Wen Tian also suddenly revealed the happy expression, absolutely did not have the beforehand anger, could not see the least bit the fear and startled, this situation made Shangguan hawk stare obviously, but was quick, Shangguan Ying concluded that several people did in calmly.
„Snort! Did calmly is also useless, nobody can save you today, nine emperor masters were impossible to appear at this time, Jiang Chen, heard that you obtained soldier of butt an emperor in Iceland, if you can give me the butt of soldier of that emperor on own initiative, the old man may consider to give you a happiness.”
Shangguan Yingleng snort, his gaze was very sharp, falls on the body of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen obtains a news of soldier of butt emperor already to spread over in Iceland, Shangguan hawk naturally was also knows that greedy heart everybody had, particularly game when at present.
„Really embarrassed, the soldier of butt emperor I am impossible to give you . Moreover, who told you nine emperor masters not to get rid, we certainly died, if I said that you die today, perhaps you won't believe?”
Jiang Chen double bracelet chest, superficial saying.
„What? I died, Ha Ha”
Shangguan Yingxian stares, at once laughs, he as if heard in this world the funniest joke, the mouse that probably making threatening gestures was roaring to big ten times of cats you died to be the same, you said that was laughable.
„Really was funny, Jiang Chen, the old man really does not know why you will say such joke, since you did not hand over the soldier of emperor, that did not have anything, the old man met after the wedding takes originally, after waiting has killed you, on you all treasure are my.”
Shangguan hawk Murderous Qi shakes suddenly, from top to bottom is transpiration Murderous Qi, he decided that no longer and Jiang Chen waste argument, he decides to get rid decisively, must strike to kill to Jiang Chen.
Only listens to sound of the thundering, an unreal big hand falls from the weather, Shangguan hawk Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage imposing manner releases perfectly, the tyrannical letting person does not dare to face, that big hand as if can destroy all, suddenly arrived at the Jiang Chen near.
Facing Shangguan hawk so tyrannical attack, the Jiang Chen smiling face does not reduce, stands in same place, the meaning of continually beginning does not have.
„Snort! Ignorant young child, but also dares so to pull rank, dies to me.”
Shangguan Yingleng snort one, on the face full is the sinister smile, the big speed does not reduce , to continue toward the Jiang Chen attack.
Roar ~
At this moment, roared resounds baseless, Shangguan Ying saw a white light to appear suddenly, keeps off before the body of Jiang Chen, that was a body best pupil has ten zhang (3.33 m) giant monster, that monster speed arrived at the acme quickly, suddenly rumbled a fist.
Ripples void, air hit is scalding hot, ices a king of fist monster to give crushing the attack of Shangguan hawk, the entire process destroys Goulas to decay.