I'm hiring for restaurant successfully. I apologize for the incident bad situation, we cannot know how to happen.!!! On April 01, my husband came. The problem It makes me almost killed him
Because he has broken the restaurant, you did for me. Cause my husband was angry that I did not tell him about the son is recruited into the army.
He has broken my shop, so I took the racket head. He abused me Injury to the arm and my other. Later my brother and his wife (my sister-in-law) come to help me, they’re called the police, Catch him into custody on April 01. And I was in the hospital for 2 days.
On time 2:00 pm today. Mom and my brother's advice. The restaurant will be repealed, need to delay until I do something about divorce to her husband finish.
My mother to ask you tell you know first, I have to apologize to you. I do not think this is a bad thing even. So I think. I stop for restaurant first. Because I was afraid. Husband, he will know the story between me. if he knew. He will claim the money to sign divorce papers, of course, Because he thought. I have a lot of money.
As you think. I was very upset with this event I'm really sorry. Now, mother, brother and sister-in-law came to my house. For take care me while. Everyone is concerned. Afraid her husband would come back to hurt and kill me again.
Please Do not worry, I 'm fine, I'm Ok.
My mother would take me to the temple for make a merit like a nun for about 15 days, start from on April 15.
As I have discussed with you , I have a sister-in-law to ask the shop mobile phone How to do the face time..hope that you will understand .
I am always thinking of you
Take care of yourself.
Everyone in my family said apologize to you. Love