now sometimes this begin to happen in class where the student trust a teacher or often a teacher will be the first person to ask if there’re something wrong or to refer the student for concealing or the problem may be not notice until the student get failing grade
now there’re a lot of reason for these different problem but over all this is one of a teenager 1st way of letting someone else know that there are something wrong at home. Sometime there are younger siblings who take up a lot of parent energy and even though this is a time for teenager to become more independent. They still need to know that they can realize on their parent to help them through the difficult treat of adol. So, whenever an adol come into treatment with this source of a problem. We try to involve the parent immediately and often the teenager who response they well to having the parent become more involve in not just helping with homework but in taking an interest in a teenager’s life
now, of course, in some family the parent need to become a little less involve in their teenager activity and give them a chance to prove themselves on their own, but there’re the time when a teenager is really letting the parent know that more attention or more structure is needed.
now what a mean by structure is that the parents have a clear set of rule about what behavior is expected and what equally important. They follow through the discipline if the child fail to meet those expectation. So, for example, if a child that not do well in school, the parent will aloud the shout the receive a failing grade rather than at the last minute doing the shout homework for him or her and then they would talk about problem with a child. So, there ‘re many time when a parent is doing either too much or too little for an adol and one of the main job of therapist is to help the parent find the appropriate label of involvement. many of the problem such teenager crime bring to us in concealing have to do with their parent and with their home’s life and I don’t think that this is an any accident, adol are struggling with who they are and what they can be on their own and they still have a certain amount of need to belong to the family as a basic source of identity from which their own individual personality and independent identity can grow. If adol family life ..... or it’s not functioning in a way that provide this basic naturing, the sense of identity. Then the teenager is going to has difficult treat developing his or her own individual sense.