Results (
Indonesian) 1:
Aerobic metabolism ranges from the standard metabolic rate [RS, the rate of oxy-gen consumption (MO2) of an inactive, unfed, thermally acclimated subject at rest:Krogh, 1914; Brett & Groves, 1979] to the upper limit set by maximum aerobic metabolic rate (RA: Fry, 1947). The RS of fishes have been obtained using a variety of techniques, including repeated measurements on the same individual until a mini-mum rate of oxygen consumption is observed (Steffensenet al., 1994; Ferry-Graham& Gibb, 2001), regressing metabolic rate and swimming speed relationships back tozero activity to obtain they-intercept (Brett, 1964; Muiret al., 1965) orvia the use of paralytic agents to isolate minimum costs of organ function (Brill, 1979). More com-monly, researchers measure routine or resting metabolic rates (RR), which include the oxygen consumption of fishes exhibiting minor spontaneous activity (Beamish, 1964;Prosser, 1973). Active metabolic rate (RA) is generally measured as the oxygen con-sumption at increments of enforced activity leading up to the maximum sustainablespeed or after exhaustive exercise (Brett, 1965; Soofiani & Priede, 1985)
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