De-militarizing our struggle with terrorism also makes a good deal of sense in light of other recent events in the Middle East, where the Arab Spring is rapidly ushering in a new generation of potential leaders committed to a more open and democratic system of government. For too many Arabs, the United States is still viewed as an aggressor state, more interested in protecting American interests than promoting democratic reform. By ending the war on terror, branding terrorists as international criminals (as opposed to political/military actors), and shifting our efforts to the criminal justice system, we send a powerful message not only to the people of the Middle East, but to other potentially dangerous regions of the world. We show that the United States remains committed above all else to the rule of law. Indeed, sending out this message at this critical juncture in the history of the Middle East may prove as powerful a weapon in our struggle against terrorism as the massive array of military force we have assembled in the region.