Guan Yiyun asked.
„You sweep the foothold with me together, we must rule entire Purgatory City outer area, making them submit to the dog master completely I.”
Big Yellow Dog eye fine glow four shoot.
What? Rules entire Purgatory City outer area, this is not cracks a joke, since Purgatory City has existed, which alliance never has to rule entire outer area, everybody does respectively various, even if Yang Shao such ambition, has not ruled entire outer area.
„Big Yellow, this, must wait for Jiang Boss to go out said again.”
Tian Yi Shan said.
„Fart, the dog master I have decided that you guide to me, go to each foothold, which the dog master I must have a look at to dare but actually to refuse to accept, kill him.”
Big Yellow Dog just promoted Divine Core Realm, self-confidence full house, anxious wish bluffs and blusters turns, this is the golden opportunity that he shows off, if other Jiang Chen went out, the crest of wave is Jiang Chen, where has his Big Yellow anything matter.
„Taro is big, I look Big Yellow said right, nobody rules outer area unable to rule on behalf of outer area, Jiang Boss has killed including Yang Shao, outer area who does not dare, since, we must set this precedent.”
Yang Meng opens the mouth to say.
„Right, our Jiang Boss must be the entire outer area Boss, later must be the Boss who encircles, we handle other footholds with Big Yellow, when Jiang Boss goes out, gives him directly a pleasant surprise.”
Another person said that these struggled the human in death edge, was not afraid of getting into trouble in a big way.
Quick, the people achieve consistently, under the leadership of Big Yellow Dog, walks toward a recent foothold.
On the road, Wang Heng and another Divine Core Realm Initial Stage good chap is lifting a spacious rattan chair, Big Yellow Dog comfortable sitting on the rattan chair, the easy mark in a flash, enjoyment of whole face, goes on an inspection tour like the emperor in a flash simply.
Others said that dog emperor dog emperor, this is the genuine dog emperor.
Wang Heng happy, another Divine Core Realm Initial Stage master is actually a forehead heavy line, his mother, oneself solemn Divine Core Realm master, unexpectedly gave a dog to work as the chair bearer.
„Wang Heng, your this idea is good, has shown dog master my honored status, is worth praising.”
Big Yellow Dog serious saying.
„Wants the dog master well comfortably.”
A Wang Heng face flattered, to not care about another Divine Core Realm master to eat gaze of person.
„Quack, the day prince second child, the dog master Boss, sweeps away the major footholds today, simply is Mo Gan not, since.”
Big Yellow Dog quack laughs, scurries about on the rattan chair.
Quick, before the group arrived at another foothold, this foothold is also a manor, is similar to the foothold that Jiang Chen is.
„In this foothold has a Divine Core Realm Middle Stage master to assume personal command, in the outer area influence calculates that is not quite weak.”
Tian Yi Shan introduced.
„Good, takes this foothold to open the mouth first, goes.”
Big Yellow Dog was excited.